The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1556 Trapped in Tianshan

Chapter 1556 Trapped in Tianshan ([-])

After hearing Yehuang's question, everyone was taken aback for a long time and did not come back to their senses.

It was Night Breeze who came back to his senses first, and then asked, "Master, are you going to Tianshan?"

"That's right, I want to see it." Ye Huang nodded, she had to go to Tianshan Mountain this time.Not to mention its mystery, but the calling from the depths of the soul made her have to go.

"This?" Night Breeze looked at Ye Huang, hesitating, looking like he was about to say something.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ye Feng like this, Ye Huang was a little puzzled.Night Breeze is not a person who likes to hesitate, why is he talking like this today.

Could it be that there are other taboos and rumors in Tianshan Mountain?

After deliberating for a while, Night Breeze said, "Master, it is rumored that those who have entered Tianshan Mountain will not be able to get out."

"Can't get out, why?" Ye Huang looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled expression. It was just a mountain. How could people not get out after entering it?Unless, those people died on the mountain.

"Sect Master, it is rumored that there are gods living on Tianshan Mountain, and mortals cannot enter. Once you enter, you will offend the gods, so you will be punished by heaven."

"God's punishment? That's interesting." Yehuang was a little funny, what kind of God's punishment, she felt that everything was man-made.She has been here for several years, but she has never heard that there are people who cultivate immortals in this continent, so the so-called immortals are probably a lie.

From Yehuang's point of view, there were probably some aborigines living on Tianshan Mountain.In order not to be disturbed by the world, I did some things that made everyone feel mysterious.

Seeing that Yehuang didn't take these rumors to heart, Night Breeze realized that he couldn't change her decision, so he suggested, "Master, if you really want to go, I'll send a few brothers to visit first. road."

"No need, everyone take a break. Ye Feng will be in Dongguohua for a while, and I will take some people to Tianshan." Yehuang shook her head, she did not have the habit of letting her subordinates go down to die.Since there is danger, let's go together.

"Master, this subordinate will go with you." When Night Breeze heard that he wanted to stay, he quit.As a subordinate, how can you let your master take risks while you are in the rear.

"Are you going to disobey?" Ye Huang glanced at Ye Feng lightly. She should not bring too many people with her to Tianshan.Therefore, she will select some elites to follow.

As for the others, they stayed with Night Breeze.After all, the ghost gate still needs to operate, and it is impossible to paralyze the entire ghost gate for Shangguan Yuntian.

If she really can't come back, the ghost gate will not collapse.

"Subordinates dare not." Night Breeze lowered his head respectfully. Although he wanted to go with Yehuang, he couldn't resist.Otherwise, you will be expelled from the gate of hell.

Therefore, even if he was not reconciled, even if he was worried about Yehuang, he could only stay.

"It's good to know." Yehuang said lightly, glanced at the others, stretched out his hand and pointed out some of them, and said: "I pointed out these people, follow me to Tianshan, and the others stay to help Feng. Lord."

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and then stood in two rows, one row went to Tianshan with Yehuang, and the other stayed behind with Night Breeze.

As for Qin Chao and the dark guards, they unconditionally stood behind Ye Huang.Now, the emperor is missing, and the queen is their master.

After resting for a while, Yehuang set off with everyone.

It is said that Wangshan runs to death.That day the mountain looked not far away, but when we actually walked, it was far away.

Yehuang led everyone to practice lightness kung fu. She thought it would take half an hour at most, but she didn't want to spend almost an hour, and it hasn't arrived yet.

(End of this chapter)

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