The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1557 Trapped in Tianshan

Chapter 1557 Trapped in Tianshan ([-])

After flying for an hour, they still haven't arrived at the place. Only then did Ye Huang feel that something was wrong, so she called everyone to stop.

"Madam, why did you stop?" Qin Chao came to Yehuang, and at Yehuang's request, they have now changed their name to her madam.

"Don't you think this Tianshan is weird?"

"Weird? I don't think so." Qin Chao glanced at the Tianshan Mountain, which was only about four or five miles away from them, and shook his head.

"Think about it again, since when did we feel that we are very close to Tianshan Mountain?" Yehuang glanced at Qin Chao, and then looked towards Tianshan Mountain, which seemed to be close but far away.

On the top of the mountain where Daoist Priest practiced that day, she visually estimated that the distance from Tianshan Mountain would not exceed ten kilometers.

But according to the speed of these people, they have already walked more than ten kilometers.But the distance has not been shortened much, they are still four or five miles away from Tianshan Mountain.

If Yehuang didn't remind, Qin Chao still didn't feel it.After she reminded him, he discovered the problem.Half an hour ago they felt they had gone half the distance.I feel that if I walk for half an hour, I should be able to reach the place.

But now, they have been gone for half an hour, but they still haven't arrived.Not only that, but their distance from Tianshan Mountain is still the same as half an hour ago.

"Ma'am, have we encountered ghosts hitting the wall?" someone asked.

"No, we probably fell under the opponent's illusion." Ye Huang shook her head, they were not spinning around in one place, so it shouldn't be ghosts hitting the wall.

Before, she saw an illusion in a book that could make people hallucinate.She felt that everything they saw now was an illusion, not real at all.

If this is the case, it will take a lot of effort for them to reach Tianshan Mountain.

"Illusion?" Qin Chao and others were a little shocked when they heard Ye Huang's words.Could it be that all of them were under the illusion.

If there is such a technique in this world, wouldn't it be too scary?They didn't forget that Daoist Tianji used magic tricks to make the emperor disappear.

If they also fell into the illusion, if the other party tampered with the illusion, such as making them commit suicide, would they be dead?
The thought of this possibility made everyone feel bad.

"Okay, don't think so much. The other party's illusion should not be malicious, it should just not want us to go to Tianshan Mountain." Ye Huang seemed to see everyone's fear and fear, and couldn't help but comforted her.

She has also thought about the question that everyone was thinking about just now.The final conclusion is that the other party has no malice, otherwise how could they sit here properly?
"Ma'am, what should we do? If we can't break the illusion, we can't go to Tianshan Mountain." Everyone looked at Yehuang together, waiting for her decision.

Now, she is the backbone of everyone, and in Qin Chao's eyes, Yehuang, like Shangguan Yuntian, is an omnipotent existence.

Just like before, when they were trapped in the valley, they had no choice at first.Later, the emperor came up with a way, and he cracked the opponent's spell, so that everyone left the valley.

Thinking of Shangguan Yuntian, Qin Chao couldn't help feeling depressed.It has been so many days, and I don't know where the emperor is, whether he is dead or alive.

At this time, in a hot spring pool on the top of Tianshan Mountain, a man in black clothes was sitting in the water with his eyes tightly closed.He seems to be practicing, but also seems to have fallen asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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