The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1558 Trapped in Tianshan

Chapter 1558 Trapped in Tianshan ([-])

If Yehuang was here, she would definitely be able to recognize that the man sitting in the pool was none other than Shangguan Yuntian.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian's whole body has entered a chaotic state, without any consciousness, just relying on instinct, sitting in the pool, maintaining the body's functions.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and an adult and a child appeared by the pool.

The child was about ten or so, with delicate features, and looked a bit like Ye Huang at first glance.Especially those pair of agile eyes are very much like Yehuang.

"Grandpa, is he still alive?" The little boy looked at Shangguan Yuntian in the pool and asked the old man standing beside him.

"He's still alive, but he won't be able to last for a few more days. Unless that woman with the blood of the phoenix appears, otherwise, he'll just sleep like this." The old man looked at Shangguan Yuntian with some regret, and didn't know that he and that person What kind of blood and deep hatred is there, so that he will be put to death in that way.

If he hadn't appeared in time that day, the young man might have been killed by that man.

"Grandpa, since a woman with the blood of the phoenix can save big brother, shall we go find that woman?"

"Grandpa also thinks about it, but it's not easy to find that person. Not to mention the person imprisoned in the stone prison, without Grandpa's presence, he may escape. Even the person in front of him may not be able to hold on." Until then."

"What should I do?"

"Look at his good fortune." The old man sighed, then raised his big hand, put something into the pool, and left with the child.

Yehuang and the others rested on the spot for a while, looking at the Tianshan Mountain, which was clearly close at hand but could not be reached all the time, their expressions were not very good.

Yehuang, in particular, felt a little irritable.Now that we are getting closer to this Tianshan Mountain, the call from the soul is getting stronger and stronger.Therefore, she desperately wants to reach Tianshan Mountain, and wants to see what is attracting and calling to herself on this mountain.

She walked on the same spot a little frantically for a while, then observed the surrounding environment again, her eyes fell on a low slope directly in front of her.

The low slope looks no different from the real mountain, and there is no difference.But Yehuang felt that there was something wrong with the short slope.

Because when she was just observing, she suddenly found that not only trees grew on other hillsides, but also a lot of firewood grew.

This low slope is different, except for trees, there are no other flowers and plants.Moreover, on other mountains, there are occasional birdsong, but there is no movement on this hillside.

As she thought about it, she walked towards the low slope.

Qin Chao watched Ye Huang's movements, and then followed.

When he saw Yehuang stop to look at the trees on the hillside, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Ma'am, is there something wrong with this tree?"

"Come and see if these trees grow very regularly?" Yehuang pointed to the rows of trees nearby.

Qin Chao glanced at the direction Yehuang pointed, then nodded and said: "Indeed, it's quite regular, it looks like it was a human race."

Hearing what Qin Chao said, Yehuang laughed and said: "It seems that I am not mistaken, here should be a formation."

"Array?" Qin Chao was startled, and began to observe carefully.He has been with Shangguan Yuntian for a long time. Although he is not proficient in the formation, he can still see some of it.

Take a closer look, it really is a formation here.It seems that if they want to go to Tianshan Mountain, they must first break this formation.

(End of this chapter)

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