The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1559 Trapped in Tianshan

Chapter 1559 Trapped in Tianshan ([-])

It's just that he is not good at formations.As for Ye Huang, it is obvious that she is not proficient in formations, so what should I do?
So, he withdrew his gaze, looked at Ye Huang, and said with some embarrassment: "Madam, I am ashamed, I am not proficient in the formation."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Huang didn't care, and she wasn't proficient in formations either.However, it is not difficult to break this formation.

She has figured out a way.

"Madam has a solution?" Qin Chao asked with joy when he heard Ye Huang say that, looking at her.

"Yeah!" Yehuang nodded, then turned her head and shouted at those resting people: "Come on!"

After the sound fell, everyone immediately stood up and came towards Ye Huang.

"Madam!" Everyone stood beside Ye Huang, shouted respectfully, and asked, "I wonder what orders Madam has?"

"This hillside is a formation. My wife doesn't know how to decipher it, so I came up with a method, which is to trouble everyone to cut down the trees on this hillside."

"Cut down trees?" Everyone was taken aback, looking at Yehuang.This hillside is not small. If we want to cut down all the trees, when will it be cut down?

"That's right, cut down the tree." Yehuang nodded, and she could only think of this way at the moment.Of course, there is another way, which is to set fire to the tree.But this is in the mountains and forests, if it is set on fire, it is easy to cause a fire.

To be on the safe side, Yehuang decided to work hard for everyone and cut down the tree.

Seeing that Yehuang was not joking, everyone started to fight.There are many trees on this hillside, but there are not many trees that have been cut down.

When everyone cut down twenty or thirty trees, not only did the hillside change, but the scenery in front of them also changed.

Looking at the towering mountain peak standing in front of them, everyone realized that they had already reached the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

The big tree was cut down and the formation was broken.Yehuang looked at the mountain peak in front of her, with a faint smile on her face, and said to everyone, "Let's take a rest before going up the mountain."

Now that we have reached the foot of Tianshan Mountain, there is no hurry.The same goes for going up the mountain after resting.

Everyone was really tired from cutting trees, and they were also hungry. After hearing this, they all sat down, and then those who gathered firewood gathered firewood, and those who looked for prey went to look for prey.

After a while, game was roasted at the foot of the mountain.

And when Ye Huang ordered the tree to be chopped down and the formation was broken, the people on the mountain had already discovered it.

"Patriarch, the formation at the foot of the mountain has been destroyed." A middle-aged man came to a wooden house and said respectfully to the old man sitting on the chair.

"Who dares to destroy the formation of my Celestial Clan, is it dead?" Before the patriarch could speak, the child beside him spoke out.

"Go and investigate to see who they are. If those people are unintentional, then forget it. If they want to rush up the mountain, then you don't have to be polite, just kill them without mercy."

"Yes, patriarch." The man took the order to leave. The little boy looked at the patriarch and asked, "Grandpa, what did you say that someone is so courageous that he dared to break our Celestial Clan's formation."

"If you want to know, you can go and see for yourself." The patriarch touched his grandson's head with a smile and said with a smile.

The old and the young are the two who went to see Shangguan Yuntian in the hot spring pool earlier.It turned out that one of them was Tianshu, the patriarch of the Celestial Clan, and the other was his grandson Tianquan.

As for Daoist Daoist Tianji, he is also inextricably related to them.

"Grandpa, is it true? Are you really willing to let me go down the mountain?" Tianquan became happy after hearing what the old man said, and looked at him with eyes as bright as stars.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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