The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1560 Trapped in Tianshan

Chapter 1560 Trapped in Tianshan ([-])

"Of course, when did grandpa stop talking?" The patriarch laughed and reached out to stroke his grandson's head.

"Wow, grandpa is so kind, I'm going to prepare to go down the mountain. I want to see who is so brave and dares to break into my Tianshan Mountain."

"Go, go." The patriarch waved his hand and sent Tianquan away with a smile on his face.

It is true that Tianquan is very smart, but he has experienced too little.Speaking of which, he was also to blame for not letting him go out to practice.

This time, it just happened to be an opportunity, let him go down and have a look.Also let this kid know that there are people beyond people and mountains beyond mountains, and let him know that the Celestial Clan is not the most powerful.

After Tianquan left the hall, he quickly returned to his yard, took his weapon, carried a small bag with some dry food on his back, and went down the mountain like that.

When he went down the mountain, he didn't take the main road, but walked on the small road that he always wanted to walk, but never walked.

He felt that taking the small road would definitely be closer than the main road, so that he could meet those people earlier.Otherwise, if you take the avenue, what if those people run away?
Tianquan's whereabouts were quickly reported to the patriarch Tianshu. When he heard that his grandson was taking the path, he shook his head and laughed, "Let him go."

Tianquan walked on the mountain road alone, as cheerful as a bird out of its cage.Growing up so big, except when he was very young, he went down the mountain with his grandfather once, and it was the second time he went down the mountain, and he went down the mountain alone.

As long as he thought of going down the mountain alone, Tianquan was nervous and excited at the same time.He felt that he had finally grown up, and finally there was no one around him.

However, what he didn't know was that it was only on the surface that no one followed, and there were quite a few people who followed secretly.

Besides, at the foot of the mountain, Yehuang and the others ate something and rested for a while before starting to climb the mountain.Tianshan is not only high, but also steep, and it is not easy to walk at all.

Fortunately, they all have martial arts, if they are just ordinary people, they really don't want to climb up.

Because the mountain road is difficult and steep, their speed is not fast.Of course, they can also practice lightness kung fu, but it is also very difficult.

As a result, everyone had to leave.

After walking for almost an hour, they only climbed a few thousand meters. Looking at the mountain top that was still towering into the clouds, and looking back at the distance they had traveled, Ye Huang was speechless.

It's not that she hasn't climbed mountains before, she even climbed cliffs, but it has never been as difficult as it is now.

Yes, it is difficult.

In the past, Yehuang had auxiliary tools for climbing mountains, such as iron hooks, fly ropes, etc., but now she has nothing, except for the weapons she carries with her, she really has nothing.

"Everyone, stop and rest for a while." Yehuang said when they climbed to a relatively flat place.

Climbing the mountain for an hour in this way is much more tiring than their previous several hours of driving.

After hearing Ye Huang's words, everyone stopped and found a place to sit and rest.Some people couldn't find a place to sit, so they jumped directly onto the big tree beside them and sat on the branches.

At this moment, Ye Huang and everyone else didn't know that Tianshan Mountain had already sent people to wipe out these foreign intruders.

After resting for about a quarter of an hour, everyone continued to climb to the top of the mountain.Ye Huang walked ahead, looking for the best path while climbing up.

Because only in this way can they save time and reach the top of the mountain faster.

 Thanks to the big tail cat cat for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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