The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1566 Phoenix Crying Blood

Chapter 1566 Phoenix Weeping Blood ([-])

He speeded up and chased Yehuang and the others.

However, Tianquan was still a step behind.When he chased after him, Yehuang had already led his men into the forbidden area.

Watching Yehuang go into the forbidden area, Tianquan stood outside with an ugly expression on his face.Originally, he wanted to stop them, but he came a step too late.

What to do now?Is it possible to watch them enter the forbidden area to die like this?
Tianquan stood outside the forbidden area, anxious.

After a while, Brother Hua and the others chased after them, looked at Tianquan who was walking around outside the forbidden area, and asked, "Young patriarch, where are those people?"

"They've gone into the forbidden area." Tianquan looked annoyed, if his qinggong had been better, if he had been faster before, could he have caught up with Ye Huang and his party and stopped them.

"What?" Brother Hua's face changed, they didn't do anything here, why did Yehuang and the others go in by themselves?
"Ha, now they went in by themselves, so we can't blame us."

"That's right, they want to die by themselves, but they can't blame us."

"That's right, it has nothing to do with us who went in by ourselves."

"Okay, stop talking, everyone think of a way to see if they can be rescued."

"Brother Hua, you put it lightly. Save? How? We have never entered the forbidden area, so we don't know what's going on inside. What can we do to save them?"

"I see, the only way to save them is to ask the patriarch or the elders to help."

"That's right, why don't we invite the patriarchs and elders?"

"I don't think there is any need to invite them. The patriarch probably already knows that someone has broken into the forbidden area."

"Are we just waiting outside like this?"

"Otherwise, what else can I do?"

Everyone was discussing outside the forbidden area, and no one had a good idea for a while.As for Tianquan, after all, he is only ten years old. Although he is smart, he has a simple mind, and he doesn't know what to do for a while.

He wanted to enter the forbidden area, but he was worried that the patriarch would punish him then.Why don't you go in, he's worried about Yehuang again.Although he didn't confirm whether Yehuang had anything to do with him, he didn't want to see anything happen to her from the bottom of his heart.

How to do it?

Tianquan struggled, finally gritted his teeth, and entered the forbidden area.

"Young patriarch, young patriarch!"

Seeing Tianquan enter the forbidden area, Brother Hua and the others changed their expressions and chased after him while shouting.Tianquan is their young patriarch, and they can't let him have an accident.

The person who followed Tianquan secretly watched him enter the forbidden area, and while sending someone to report to Tianshu, he also followed into the forbidden area to protect him.

Besides, Yehuang, after entering the forbidden area, the call became more and more intense, leading her to keep walking forward.

However, the forbidden area of ​​the Celestial Clan is not easy to walk. They had just walked for a while when someone accidentally stepped on the trap and almost fell down.

Fortunately, that person reacted quickly, so he didn't fall into the trap.

Seeing that his subordinates were fine, Ye Huang felt relieved, and then confessed: "Everyone, be careful, this place looks like a forbidden area, there must be a lot of traps."

"Don't worry, ma'am, we will be careful." Everyone nodded seriously. They were careless before, but they won't be anymore.

Since they're here, they can't hold back Yehuang.

"Follow closely." After Yehuang finished speaking, she walked forward carefully while observing her feet.

There are blue bricks under their feet, and they look the same at first glance.But if you take a closer look, you can find that some bricks are darker in color.

(End of this chapter)

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