The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1567 Phoenix Crying Blood

Chapter 1567 Phoenix Weeping Blood ([-])

Fortunately, Yehuang's eyesight was good, and she could tell the difference in the floor at a glance, so she stepped on the darker blue bricks carefully and walked forward.

After walking about 100 meters, a door appeared at the end of the blue brick road.

It was a black door with a golden phoenix engraved on it. Blood was flowing from the phoenix's eyes.

What a picture of a phoenix weeping blood!
Looking at this phoenix, Yehuang's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if it was resonating with something.

I don't know if it was because of the fast heartbeat, but Yehuang's face turned pale.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?"

"Master, are you alright?"

Qin Chao and Guimen's brothers noticed Yehuang's strangeness, and couldn't help but became worried.

"It's okay!" Yehuang smiled, then turned her eyes away from the pattern of crying blood of the phoenix, and looked elsewhere.

After scanning around, Yehuang's eyes returned to the gate again.It seemed that what she needed was behind this door.

But, how to open this door?
Yehuang knew that this door could not be opened casually, and there must be a mechanism next to it or nearby.But where is this agency?
While thinking, he searched carefully.

Qin Chao and the others cared about Ye Huang's body while helping to find the mechanism to open the door.It was only a few laps, but nothing was found.

Could it be that there is no mechanism?
Thinking about it, Yehuang stepped forward, reached out and pushed towards the door.However, the door did not move at all, and there was no intention of opening it at all.

Could it be that the strength is too weak?

Thinking about it, Yehuang used [-]% of her internal strength to push towards the door again.But the result was still the same, the door couldn't be pushed open at all.

It seems that to open this door, there must be a mechanism.

Yehuang sighed.

Just as he was thinking, Qin Chao suddenly pointed to a place and said, "Madam, what do you think is that?"

The place Qin Chao pointed at was a small groove, an inconspicuous place next to the gate, and there seemed to be some black and red things inside.

Yehuang stepped forward and walked to the place pointed by Qin Chao.Carefully looked at the small groove, and smelled it closely.

A faint smell of blood entered Ye Huang's nose, causing her complexion to change.

It turned out to be blood!Moreover, it is still human blood.

Yehuang frowned, and once again turned her gaze to the picture of the Phoenix weeping blood on the gate.Following the dripping blood, it landed at the bottom of the gate.

It was a flame pattern, a burning flame, and the fuel was the phoenix blood.

Seeing this scene, Yehuang frowned again, and then fell into deep thought.

When Tian Quan chased him in, he saw Ye Huang and his party standing still in front of the gate.I couldn't help being happy in my heart, and said to myself: As long as I don't go in, it's fine.

But before he had time to rejoice, a sound of the door being opened came into his ears, causing the smile on his face to freeze.

It turned out that Ye Huang made a sudden decision when she saw the blood.She bit her finger and got the blood on the groove and the flame pattern respectively.

Then, something unexpected happened.As soon as her blood fell on it, it seeped directly into the patterns and grooves.Then immediately after, the door opened.

As soon as the door opened, Yehuang was overjoyed and walked in directly.Qin Chao and others followed closely behind and also followed in.

Tianquan watched, and suddenly shouted: "It's dangerous inside, you come out."

Hearing the shout, Yehuang's footsteps froze, and when she turned around, she saw a child about ten years old standing at the gate looking at them.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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