The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1568 Phoenix Crying Blood

Chapter 1568 Phoenix Weeping Blood ([-])

Obviously, those words were shouted by the child at the door.

Seeing Tianquan, Yehuang suddenly felt a sense of closeness in her heart, and asked, "Who are you?"

Tianquan looked at Yehuang and asked himself, but he didn't intend to come out.He couldn't help being a little anxious, and said: "You come out first, and I will tell you who I am when you come out."

However, Yehuang shook her head and said, "Sorry, I can't go out yet."

"Why, it's very dangerous inside. If you go in, you may die." Tian Quan stared at Ye Huang, and there were still people rushing to die. He was really drunk.

Yehuang smiled when she heard the words, and said, "Little friend, since this place is very dangerous, you should leave early."

"No, I'm leaving, what do you guys do?" Tian Quan said with an awkward expression.He came to rescue Yehuang, how could he leave?
He still doesn't know if Yehuang has anything to do with him, so he can't leave unless Yehuang also leaves.

The news that Yehuang and the others broke into the forbidden area was quickly reported to the patriarch Tianshu.When Tianshu heard that someone had broken into the place, he was in a bad mood.

"Come on, call the elders together."

"Patriarch, the young patriarch has also entered the forbidden area." Another person reported.

"What?" Tianshu's face changed, that brat Tianquan also entered the forbidden area.However, this is not the most explosive news.

The most explosive news is what the other party said next.Only to hear the other party continue to say: "Patriarch, the person who broke into the forbidden area is [-]% similar to the portrait in your study. Also, according to the young patriarch, the eyes of that person are also very similar to his."

"What did you say?" When Tianshu heard this, he stood up excitedly, and ignored the elders, and went straight to the forbidden area.

In the forbidden area, Tianquan saw that Yehuang was unwilling to come out, and he himself was unwilling to leave. The two just looked at each other from inside and outside the door.

"Little brother, go back quickly, or your family will be worried." Yehuang waved towards Tianquan, and then led his men to move on.

Tianquan saw Yehuang walking in, gritted his teeth, and followed.Anyway, he has already chased here, so Suoxin should go in with him.

He has never been to this forbidden place, but he only heard from the elders.It's good to know something.

Thinking about it, Tianquan quickened his pace and chased after Yehuang.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Yehuang stopped, turned to look at Tianquan, frowned and said, "Little friend, why did you come in?"

"I'll protect you." Tianquan glanced at Yehuang and said arrogantly.Now, the further away he is, the more he looks at Yehuang, the more he likes it.Especially Yehuang's eyes, the more he looked at them, the more he felt that they resembled his own eyes.

"Why are you staring at me all the time?" Ye Huang sensed Tian Quan's interest in her and asked with a smile.

"You look good." Tianquan replied, then pointed to his own eyes, and said, "Did you see? Your eyes look the same as mine."

"Really?" Yehuang casually replied, her gaze fell on Tianquan's eyes.

Seeing this, Yehuang was immediately surprised.At first, she thought Tianquan was joking.

Unexpectedly, what he said turned out to be true, and the eyes of the two of them were really similar.At this time, Qin Chao and others also cast their eyes on the two of them.

They looked at this and then at that.Sure enough, Yehuang and the child in front of him had the same pair of eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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