The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1569 Phoenix Crying Blood

Chapter 1569 Phoenix Weeping Blood ([-])

The only difference is that one is cunning and smart, and the other is cold and wise.

"Yo, you really hit the spot. Our eyes really look alike. If that's the case, let's say we are destined. I wonder if my little brother can tell my sister, what's your name?" Yehuang didn't either. Thinking about it, I just feel that the child with eyes fits my eyes very well, looks very kind, and wants to know his name.

"My name is Tianquan, sister, what's your name?" Tianquan gave his name, and then asked Yehuang for his name.

"My name is Yehuang." Yehuang said with a smile.

"Yehuang, is it the Phoenix's phoenix?" Tianquan asked.

"That's right, it's the phoenix's phoenix."

"Sister, in this case, the blood on your body is the blood of the phoenix." Tianquan asked innocently.Before, he had heard from his grandfather that only women with the blood of the phoenix can save the big brother on the Tianchi Lake.

Right now, this elder sister is called Ye Huang, who is Phoenix's Huang, so can her blood save that big brother?

After hearing Tianquan's words, Yehuang was taken aback.After she realized it, she immediately laughed and said, "Little brother, you may have made a mistake. My name is Yehuang, and I am also the Phoenix's Phoenix, but the blood on my body is not Phoenix blood."

"Why?" Tian Quan didn't understand, and stared blankly at Ye Huang.The blood of the phoenix that grandpa said was indeed human blood, why did my sister say it was not?
Seeing Tianquan's curious and puzzled expression, Yehuang laughed and explained, "Did you see that gate just now?"

"I see."

"Did you also see the weeping blood phoenix on the door?"


"The blood flowing from that phoenix is ​​the real phoenix blood, understand?"

Yehuang originally thought that after she explained it like this, Tianquan should understand.But he didn't want to, Tianquan still shook his head and said: "I don't understand. The blood of the phoenix that grandpa said is the blood of a woman, and it has nothing to do with the phoenix on the gate."

Yehuang was speechless, looking at Tianquan, she didn't know how to explain it.So, she simply didn't explain, and said: "Whether you understand it or not, it's just that my blood is not Phoenix blood."

"Oh!" Tianquan nodded half-understood, then looked at Yehuang and said, "Sister, this place feels so eerie, maybe there are ghosts. Do you still want to go forward?"

"Yes, there are things my sister needs here, so I have to go and have a look." Yehuang reached out and touched Tianquan's head, and then said: "If you want to be together, remember to follow sister closely, or you will lose If so, my sister doesn't care."

"Okay, I will follow my sister and protect her." Tianquan nodded, looking like a little adult, and then pulled Yehuang's sleeves and followed her, as if he really wanted to protect her. She does.

Seeing Tianquan's small movements, Yehuang was a little speechless.

The little kid in front of him didn't know if they would cause trouble.However, since he has come in, we can only let him follow.Otherwise, if he is left alone for a while, it will be troublesome if something happens.

It can be seen that this little kid is not a child of an ordinary family, and maybe he is not necessarily a little master.

Thinking of this, Yehuang glanced at Tianquan again, and then walked forward again.

They walked forward step by step carefully, and soon found something strange under their feet, the blue bricks and slabs under their feet, at some point, turned into a gossip pattern.

Qin Chao also found the pattern on the ground, so he reminded Ye Huang: "Madam, it's the Eight Diagrams."

(End of this chapter)

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