The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1570 Phoenix Crying Blood

Chapter 1570 Phoenix Weeping Blood ([-])

"I see. It seems that there should be a mechanism inside, everyone should be more careful." Ye Huang reminded everyone, while carefully observing the gossip patterns under her feet.

The appearance of this kind of pattern usually has a door of life, while other places are doors of death.They must find the location of the door of life, otherwise once the door of death is opened, they will be in trouble.

Although Yehuang didn't know the formation method, she had seen the gossip diagram.

Qian, Zhen, Li, Gen, Dui, Xun, Kun, and Kan represent eight directions respectively, and only one of these eight directions is Shengmen.

Yehuang looked at it for a while, then turned to Qin Chao and the others behind him and said, "I'm not sure which one is Shengmen, I'll try it first. If there is no problem, you can follow."

After speaking, Yehuang was about to step into the position she had chosen.Unexpectedly, at this time, Tian Quan stretched out his hand to pull Ye Huang, and said, "Sister, I know this gossip. I know which one is the birth gate. Sister doesn't need to try, just follow me."

After finishing speaking, Tianquan let go of Yehuang's sleeve, and then stepped towards the west position, that is, Dui's position.

Yehuang looked at it and was about to stop it, but she didn't want Tianquan to go too fast.He has left the gossip to safety.

"Sister, look, I'm fine." Tianquan waved at Yehuang on the opposite side of the gossip, with a proud face.He has learned these things since he was a child, so he is very familiar with them.

"Tianquan, you are so powerful." Yehuang gave a thumbs up to Tianquan, and then walked over.

Qin Chao and the others followed closely behind, and also quickly walked past the gossip to the opposite side.Soon, there was only one person left.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, which distracted the gossipman and accidentally walked to the wrong place.

Once the position was wrong, the mechanism rang, and the walls on both sides of the passage were pulled apart instantly, revealing small faucets one by one.

As the dragon's head appeared, a water arrow shot out from the dragon's mouth, heading towards Yehuang and the others.

As soon as the water arrow came out, a corrosive smell came into Yehuang's nose, causing her face to change instantly, and said: "No, it's sulfuric acid, everyone be careful."

While reminding everyone, she ran forward as soon as she mentioned the right to hold on to Tianquan.This sulfuric acid is powerful, she has seen it before, but she must never touch it.

Yehuang grabbed Tianquan and ran forward desperately, Qin Chao and others followed behind.As for the person who stepped on the wrong position, he was sprayed with sulfuric acid before he even had time to run, and his whole body quickly turned into blood.

When Brother Hua and the others came in, they saw such a scene, and they were all terrified.Secretly said, the organs in this forbidden area are really powerful, and they even have this thing.

Yehuang led the crowd and ran forward without turning back.Running, running, Yehuang suddenly found that they were spinning in circles.So she had to stop.

Fortunately, they have already passed the trap of sulfuric acid, so they don't have to worry so much.

"Ma'am, what's the matter?" Qin Chao couldn't help asking when Ye Huang stopped.

"We've been spinning around in circles, haven't you noticed?" Ye Huang glanced at everyone and asked.

On the other hand, Tianquan let go of Yehuang's hand after hearing Yehuang's words, and then tried to run in one direction.

As soon as he ran like this, everyone really found the problem.Because they found that although Tianquan was running, his position had not moved.

Tianquan saw that everyone's eyes were on him, so he stopped and said, "Sister, what's the reason? Why am I still where I am?"

(End of this chapter)

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