The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1571 Celestial Clan Inheritance

Chapter 1571 Celestial Clan Inheritance ([-])

"It seems that if it's not an eyesore, there is a formation." Ye Huang frowned and said.

"Ma'am, do you think this place will be like the hillside before, a phantom array?" Someone asked, this situation is somewhat similar to when they didn't go up the mountain before.

"Probably not." Ye Huang shook her head, this was in the secret room, which was different from the outside.Even if you want to arrange a formation, it will not be a phantom formation.

"Qin Chao, you've been following Yuntian for a long time, can you see what kind of formation it is?" Ye Huang looked at Qin Chao and said.

She doesn't know anything about formations, which is a disadvantage.Once she encountered the formation, she was helpless.

"Sister, don't you understand formations?" Hearing Yehuang's words, Tianquan looked at her curiously.I thought that someone as powerful as her should know everything.No, she didn't know how to form a formation.

"Yes!" Ye Huang nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Does Tian Quan understand formations?"

"Understand a little."

"Then can you see what formation is here?" Ye Huang asked with a smile.Among the people she brought, only Qin Chao knew some simple formations.As for the formation in front of him, Qin Chao probably wouldn't be able to break it.

Therefore, Ye Huang had no choice but to pin her hopes on Tian Quan.I thought that bringing a little kid was causing trouble for myself, but I didn't want to rely on him in the end.

Thinking of this, Ye Huang was speechless.If Tianquan didn't know, then she wouldn't be able to go in, and wouldn't be able to know what attracted her.

"Sister, don't worry, let me think about it." Tianquan glanced at Yehuang and comforted him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tianquan really thought about it seriously.He has read a lot of books, and he has also read a lot of books on formations.

Tianquan thought through the formations he had seen in his mind, and tried to match them with the situation in front of him.

Time passed bit by bit, Tian Quan was still thinking about it, and Ye Huang couldn't help feeling a little anxious.As for Qin Chao, after seeing the formation, he shook his head at Ye Huang, expressing that he was helpless.

He can only use simple formations, which only Shangguan Yuntian can know.

Fortunately, Yehuang didn't have too much hope for Qin Chao at the beginning, so she didn't feel disappointed after hearing his words.Now, she puts all her hopes on Tianquan.

If Tianquan couldn't figure it out, then she really didn't know what to do.

Tian Quan thought for a long time, and Ye Huang's eyes slowly turned disappointed.But at this moment, Tianquan suddenly said: "Sister, I thought of it."

"Think about it?" Yehuang looked at Tianquan in surprise, with a smile on his face, and asked, "What kind of formation is this, and how do you break it?"

Hearing this, Tian Quan's expression collapsed, and he said, "Sister, I'm sorry, I forgot what formation it was called."

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as you can break this formation." Yehuang waved his hand, but didn't care about the name of the formation.

What she cares about is whether this formation can be broken.

"Yes, sister, I will." Tianquan nodded with a smile, and then began to circle around while counting steps.Every time he counted, he would stop, then squat down and draw something on the ground.

By the time he finished two laps, many symbols had been drawn on the ground.

Qin Chao and the others watched Tianquan keep drawing symbols they couldn't understand, and couldn't help asking, "Can he do it?"

"Will it work, you can only know if you try it. Otherwise, there is no other way, is there?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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