The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1572 Celestial Clan Inheritance

Chapter 1572 Celestial Clan Inheritance ([-])

"It's true, we don't know how to form formations. Now we can only rely on this brat." The brother of Guimen looked at Tianquan and said with some self-blame.It's a shame that none of them understand formations.

If one of them could understand this thing, they wouldn't be stuck here for so long.

Tianquan ignored the crowd and was writing something wholeheartedly.He had seen a formation in a book before, and it was the same as this one.

At that time, the method of cracking it was written in the book, which was calculated according to steps.It's just that he is a child, and his steps are not as big as an adult's, so he has to calculate more accurately.Otherwise, not only will there be no way to break the formation, but the formation will be changed due to a wrong calculation.

At that time, it will be even more difficult to leave here.

Yehuang also couldn't understand what Tianquan painted, but she still chose to believe him.Because this is a way out of nowhere, except for Tianquan, none of them know how to do it.

Time passed little by little, Tianquan walked five times and painted symbols all over the ground, then stopped, looked up at Yehuang and said with a smile: "Sister, it's done."

"This can break the formation?" Ye Huang looked curiously at the things painted by Tian Quan, but unfortunately she couldn't understand any of them.

"Yeah, it's ok. After a while, my sister will follow my steps, and we can leave here." Tianquan nodded and said to Yehuang.

"Okay!" Yehuang replied.On the other hand, Qin Chao took a look at Tianquan, and said to Yehuang: "Madam, what is this painting, my subordinates can't understand, what if..."

Qin Chao didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Yehuang knew what he was going to say, so he interrupted: "I believe in the right of heaven."

Tianquan was worried because of Qin Chao's words. After hearing Yehuang's answer, he immediately became happy, with a smile on his face, and said: "Sister, thank you. Don't worry, I will definitely take you away here."

After finishing speaking, his tone paused, he glanced at Qin Chao and said: "As for others, whether you like to follow or not. Hmph!"

Tian Quan snorted coldly, rolled his eyes at Qin Chao, then smiled again when looking at Ye Huang, and said, "Sister, let's go."

"it is good!"

Yehuang smiled, and then said to Qin Chao and the others: "Everyone can see clearly, but don't go wrong."

She had already lost a brother when she went through the Bagua diagram, and she didn't want to be hurt again.Therefore, I made a special confession.

Seeing that Yehuang was getting ready, Tianquan started to leave.In order for Yehuang to see clearly and keep up, he walked very slowly.

It wasn't until seeing that Yehuang could keep up that he got up quickly.

Qin Chao and the others followed cautiously, not daring to vent their breath or speak, for fear of going the wrong way.

Fortunately, this complicated footwork didn't take long, Tianquan led them through the passage and came to a door.

This door is different from the black door outside, it is a pure white door made of white marble.

There is still a phoenix painted on the gate, which is different from the previous one in that it is a phoenix perched on a plane tree.

That phoenix has a pair of agile eyes, when you meet it, it seems that a real phoenix is ​​looking at you.

When she met the phoenix's eyes, the feeling of sudden acceleration of heartbeat came again, making her frown.

What is going on here?
Yehuang couldn't figure out what was the relationship between herself and this phoenix, why did her heart beat faster every time she saw it?

"Sister, what's the matter with you, are you all right?"

 Thank you Lin Zhu for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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