The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1574 Celestial Clan Inheritance

Chapter 1574 Celestial Clan Inheritance ([-])

What's more, there are so many institutions in this forbidden area, and the more people there are, the more dangerous it is.This is also one of the reasons why they have not allowed other people in the clan to come in. Of course, the more important reason is that the secrets in the forbidden area cannot be known by too many people.

"Patriarch?" Brother Hua wanted to fight again, but Tianshu interrupted directly: "Stop talking, let's go out."

No way, Brother Hua had no choice but to take the guards out.

Not long after they went out, the elders came, looked at the people standing outside, and went straight into the forbidden area without saying anything.

Besides, Yehuang and the others, because they had Tianquan, a cheating weapon who grew up in the Celestial Clan and was familiar with all kinds of Celestial Clan books, they quickly found the mechanism to open the door.

Opening the gate, a gorgeous palace appeared in front of everyone.The white jade is the steps, the gold is the pillars, and the phoenix hovers.

The main hall is supported by a total of nine golden pillars, and a hovering golden phoenix is ​​engraved on the pillars.Those phoenixes looked lifelike, as if they were alive.

Looking at those phoenixes, Yehuang's heartbeat was racing again.She had to look away and look elsewhere.

There are only a few pillars in the whole hall, which looks relatively empty.After Tianquan glanced at it, he curled his lips a little bored, and said, "I thought there was something good here, but I don't think there is anything here."

After hearing Tian Quan's words, Ye Huang shook her head with a smile, and said, "This is the main hall, it will definitely look like there is nothing there. Let's go inside and take a look."

After saying that, Yehuang stepped over the pillars and walked towards the inside of the hall.

However, at this moment, those pillars seemed to come alive and moved.With the rotation of the pillar, the air in the entire hall seemed to be sucked out, making everyone depressed and unable to breathe freely.

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked and looked at each other.It was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this?
"Sister, what's the matter?" Tian Quan was also stunned, looking at Ye Huang, his face turned pale because of his shortness of breath.

"Elder sister doesn't know either. It's likely that we accidentally bumped into the organ just now." Ye Huang was also confused. Apart from observing the entire hall, they didn't seem to touch anything just now.

Why did the pillars in the hall suddenly move?
Could it be that these pillars can also sense automatically?

Just as Yehuang guessed, those pillars turned faster and faster, the air in the hall became less and less, Qin Chao and others were almost unable to hold on.As for Tianquan, his complexion was already extremely pale, and he was about to suffocate.

And Ye Huang herself was not much better.

Seeing that everyone was dying, Yehuang's face changed again and again, while searching for the reason, he thought of a solution.

She couldn't just watch everyone die here, she had to find a way to stop these pillars as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, Yehuang accidentally touched a pillar and touched the engraved Phoenix's eyes.

With such a touch, the pillar in her hand suddenly stopped.

Seeing this scene, Ye Huang's eyes lit up, then put down the right of heaven, and moved towards the other pillars.

When she managed to stop the pillars, it had been quite a while, and everyone was almost unconscious.

Looking at the people lying on the ground, Ye Huang's face became very ugly, and when she stepped forward to help everyone regain their sanity, an ethereal voice rang in her ears.

"300 years, my descendants, you are finally here."

(End of this chapter)

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