The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1575 Celestial Clan Inheritance

Chapter 1575 Celestial Clan Inheritance ([-])

"Who?" Hearing the voice, Ye Huang's expression changed, and she looked around.

"You don't need to look for it, you can't see me." As if knowing that Yehuang was looking for the source of the voice, the voice rang out again.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Ye Huang asked.What 300 years, what descendants, she can't understand at all, okay?

"I am your ancestor - Tianfeng. I have been waiting for you here for 300 years. Now that you have finally come, I can finally let go of my responsibilities and return to chaos."

"Tianfeng?" Yehuang frowned, glanced at Tianquan who was lying on the ground, breathing calmly even though he hadn't woken up, and thought to himself: Could it be that Tianfeng is the ancestor of Tianquan, but what does she have to do with me? relation?
Just as he was thinking about it, that voice appeared again, saying, "Listen to what I said now, don't think about anything, follow the guidance from the depths of your soul, and keep moving forward."

Yehuang frowned, and when she was about to say something, she felt that the thing that attracted her before was calling her, and she couldn't help but walk forward.

After walking about ten meters, Ye Huang saw a statue of a sitting woman, so she stopped and looked at the statue.

However, the moment her eyes met the statue, she suddenly found that the statue seemed to smile at her.

But when Ye Huang looked over carefully, the statue seemed to have stopped moving again.

But at this time, that ethereal voice appeared again, saying: "Sit down according to the posture of practicing kung fu, I want to pass on the inheritance of the Tianfeng clan to you."

"What inheritance?" Ye Huang was stunned and asked.Shouldn't the inheritance of the Tianfeng clan be passed on to Tianquan?His surname is Tian, ​​but her surname is Ye, so it has nothing to do with the Tianfeng clan, okay?

"Don't ask so much, close your eyes, and you will know in a while."

When Yehuang heard this, she didn't ask any more questions, and closed her eyes obediently.However, what she didn't realize was that the moment she closed her eyes, a vague figure emerged from the statue, and then she raised her jade hand, and golden rays of light went straight to Yehuang's forehead.

Yehuang closed her eyes, quietly perceiving, accepting, and absorbing.

As time went by, the figure became fainter and weaker.When the last golden light fell into Yehuang's head, the figure also dispersed with the wind and disappeared without a trace.

Accompanied by the disappearance of the figure, Yehuang seemed to hear: "The mission of my Tianfeng clan is entrusted to you. Cultivate hard and benefit mankind."

When Tianshu rushed over, he saw Yehuang sitting in front of the statue of the Celestial Clan with her eyes closed and her hands clasped together.Seeing this scene, Tianshu's eyes were extremely complicated.

He didn't immediately go to disturb Yehuang, but looked around for Tianquan.When he saw Tianquan lying on the ground, his expression changed, and he came to Tianquan in a flash, then knelt down and helped him check.

When he was sure that Tianquan was fine and just fell asleep, he was relieved, and after covering Tianquan with a cloak, he walked to Yehuang's side and waited quietly.

Yehuang had already sensed someone coming in, and wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't, so she had to give up.

Fortunately, she felt that the other party was not malicious, so she concentrated on digesting what had just been input into her mind.

Time passed little by little, and the elders also came to the main hall.They saw Tianshu who was standing in front of the statue, and Yehuang who was meditating at a glance.

Seeing Yehuang, the elders were startled, and were about to speak, but were stopped by a gesture from Tianshu.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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