The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1576 Husband and wife meet

Chapter 1576 Husband and wife meet ([-])

Seeing the movement of the patriarch, the elders all silenced, and then walked towards the statue.

Yehuang was at a critical moment at this time, although she felt that someone was coming again, she couldn't do anything, she could only resign herself to accept the information that had just been input into her brain.

Fortunately, although there was a lot of information, Yehuang's memory was not bad, and he could memorize it all in one go.

Even so, it took a long time for her to receive the information.At this time, Qin Chao and the others also woke up.

When they opened their eyes and remembered where they were, their faces changed, and then they began to look for the figure of Ye Huang.

Their eyes swept over the main hall, seeing the sudden extra people, and feeling their strong aura, each of their faces became dignified.

When they saw Ye Huang surrounded by those people, their hearts were even more suspended.

Qin Chao and the others quickly stood up and walked towards Yehuang.No matter how strong the opponent is, even if they fight for their lives, they can't let Ye Huang have an accident.

When they were about to reach Yehuang, Yehuang just opened her eyes.

As soon as Yehuang opened her eyes, she saw the patriarch and the elders standing beside her.Seeing their clothes, he raised his eyebrows, and then said, "I don't know what advice you guys have?"

As soon as the words came out, the patriarch and the elders looked at Yehuang together, and then suddenly made a move that surprised Yehuang and everyone else.

The patriarch and the elders bowed down to salute Yehuang together, shouting: "I have seen the goddess!"

Yehuang was taken aback, and stared at them blankly, unable to react for a while.Qin Chao and the others were also stunned. They thought that the patriarch and elders would be unfavorable to Yehuang, but they were so respectful to her and called her a goddess.

Goddess?What the hell is this?

Yehuang's face was full of confusion, and it took a while to remember that there was something in his mind that suddenly mentioned that the women of the Tianfeng clan who accepted the inheritance would be called Tiannv, which means the daughter of destiny.

That is to say, she is a woman chosen by God, who has a destiny and a mission.

Tianquan also woke up at this time, watching his grandfather and elders salute Yehuang, he was taken aback.He quickly ran up to them and asked, "Grandpa, what are you doing? Why are you saluting to my sister?"

Tian Quan's "sister" reminded the patriarch of what the messenger had said before, saying that Ye Huang's appearance was similar to the woman in his study.

Therefore, he seriously looked at Yehuang's appearance.I don't know if I don't see it, but I was really shocked when I saw it.As expected, Yehuang was [-]% similar to the woman in his study, and looking at her eyes, it was almost carved out of the same mold as Tianquan.

The patriarch became excited in an instant, stepped forward to Ye Huang, and asked, "You, what's your mother's name?"

Looking at the excited patriarch, looking at the elders with similar expressions to him, and seeing Tianquan's bewildered expression, Yehuang was speechless, stood up, and said, "If you have anything to say, let's go out talk later."

"Sister, are you going out so soon? You're not looking for what you're looking for?" Tianquan asked innocently when he heard this.

Yehuang smiled, reached out and touched Tianquan's head, and said, "Sister has already found that thing, so there is no need to look for it."

"Really? That's great!" Tian Quan was overjoyed when he heard that Ye Huang had found something.

This forbidden place is really not fun, if you are not careful, you will die. Since the thing is found, it is better for them to get out early.

(End of this chapter)

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