The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1577 Husband and wife meet

Chapter 1577 Husband and wife meet ([-])

"Of course it's true." Yehuang laughed, took Tianquan's hand naturally, and said as she walked out: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Tianquan. If it wasn't for Tianquan, my sister would It's not that quick to find something."

"Yeah, Tianquan is great, isn't it?"

"Yes, Tianquan is the best."

Yehuang and Tianquan walked out while talking.The patriarchs, elders, and everyone else were left behind.

The patriarch and elders looked at Yehuang and Tianquan who were walking and talking, and looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

It wasn't until the two of them walked away that the elder looked at the patriarch and asked, "Where did this girl come from? Why does she look a bit like the missing Xue girl?"

"That's right."

"Ask later to see if she is the daughter of Xueyao. If Xueyao gets married and has a child, the child should be this old."

Several elders said a few words, but found that Tianshu didn't respond at all, and was in a daze, so he couldn't help calling softly: "Patriarch, patriarch, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Hearing the shout, the patriarch came back to his senses, glanced at everyone, and said, "Let's go out and talk about it."

"Okay!" The elders nodded, and then left the forbidden area with the patriarch.

Brother Hua and the others have been guarding outside the forbidden area. After hearing the sound of footsteps, they all probed towards the exit.When they saw Tianquan and Yehuang coming out together, they breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that Tianquan is fine, otherwise they won't be able to explain to the patriarch.

Thinking of the patriarch, they began to look for Tianshu again.It's just that, after looking around, they didn't find the patriarch or the elders, so I couldn't help worrying again.

Brother Hua took a few steps forward, came to Tianquan and Yehuang, and asked, "Madam, young patriarch, patriarch and elders, why haven't they come out yet? Could something have happened?"

"What are you thinking about? My grandpa and the others are fine. They will come out in a while, don't worry." Tianquan waved his hand, then turned to Yehuang and said, "Sister, I like you so much, I want to invite you to my house as a guest, OK?"

Yehuang looked at Tianquan blinking her eyes with a cute look on her face, and wanted to promise him very much.However, when thinking of Shangguan Yuntian whose life and death are uncertain, he could only shake his head and said: "Tian Quan, my sister also likes you. However, my sister may not be able to accept your invitation."

"Why?" Tianquan looked disappointed, and looked at Yehuang in confusion.I don't understand why she can't agree to his invitation, and this place is not far from his home, and it will be there after a while up the mountain.

"Because my sister's husband is missing, my sister is going to find him."

"My sister's husband? Is it my brother-in-law? Why did he disappear? Tianquan will help you find your brother-in-law, okay? When you find your brother-in-law, you can go to Tianquan's house to play together, how about it?"

Yehuang heard the words, touched Tian Quan's head, and said: "I can't explain the matter of his disappearance for a while. But my sister still wants to thank you. When my sister finds him, I will definitely bring him to you to play, and my sister My two children, they will definitely like you as a little uncle."

"Really? My sister didn't lie to Tianquan?"

"Really, sister won't lie to you." Yehuang laughed, turned around and saw the patriarch and elders coming out, then let go of Tianquan's hand, and went forward.

"Yehuang has met some elders. Please forgive me for trespassing on the forbidden area of ​​the nobles before." After Yehuang finished speaking, she bowed deeply to them.

The patriarch accepted Ye Huang's gift, and then looked up at her. The more he looked at her, the more his guess became more and more affirmed.

(End of this chapter)

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