The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1578 Husband and wife meet

Chapter 1578 Husband and wife meet ([-])

This pair of long portraits, these eyes, all want to tell him that Yehuang has a close relationship with the Celestial Clan.

The patriarch looked at Yehuang for a while, and then said: "Your name is Yehuang?"


"I don't know what Lingtang's name is?"

Yehuang looked at the patriarch and met his gaze.Although his face was not as excited as it was in the forbidden area at this time, tension and anticipation flashed in his eyes.

"Nangongxue!" Yehuang's heart softened slightly, and she told Tianshu her mother's name.

"Isn't it called Tianxue?" The patriarch was a little disappointed when he heard the name.His daughter is called Tianxue, how could she be called Nangongxue?

Tian Quan, who was on the side, heard the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but interjected, "Grandpa, who is Tianxue?"

"Your aunt."

"Oh." Tianquan nodded, but he had heard from the old people that he had two aunts, but they disappeared and never came back.

When Yehuang heard Tianxue's name, her eyes flickered.Nangong Xue?Snow?It's just that the surnames are different. It's very likely that my mother and Nangong Yu have changed their surnames.

However, she has no way to confirm this right now, and she will not know until she meets Nangong Yu and asks about it.

However, she doesn't have time to talk to Tianshu now, she has to go to Shangguan Yuntian as soon as possible.

So, Yehuang looked at Tianshu and the elders, and said: "I still have something to do, so I will take a step forward. I owe you a big favor today. If you have anything to do, you can send someone to the Jokhang Palace to find me. My name is Yehuang."

After speaking, Yehuang gestured to Qin Chao and the others, ready to leave.

At this moment, Tianshu spoke again, and said, "Wait?"

"I don't know what else the patriarch wants to order?" Yehuang stopped and turned to look at Tianshu.

"That's it, I want you to help me save someone." Although Tianshu did not confirm that Yehuang was his granddaughter, but Yehuang can get the inheritance of the Celestial Clan, which proves that she is the one he has been waiting for. A person with the blood of the Phoenix.

Therefore, today he can't miss this opportunity no matter what, he has to ask Yehuang to save the man in Tianchi.

Yehuang looked at Tianshu, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

When Tianquan heard that, Yehuang agreed to save people, and immediately became happy, saying: "Sister, that's great, big brother is saved."

"Big brother?" Ye Huang looked at Tian Quan, and could hear that he liked that big brother very much.It's just that I don't know who is sacred, and let the patriarch exchange her kindness for entering the forbidden area.

"That's right." Tianquan nodded, and then told Yehuang about Shangguan Yuntian's origin, and said, "That big brother was brought back by grandpa a few days ago, and he looks very, very good-looking. However, he has been in a coma for a long time. Wake up. Grandpa said that only a woman with the blood of the Phoenix can save him."

After finishing speaking, Tian Quan looked at Ye Huang and said, "Sister, listen to what Grandpa said just now, you really have Phoenix blood on your body."

However, Yehuang's attention was already on the words "brought back a few days ago" that Tianquan just said, she grabbed Tianquan's arm with some excitement, and asked: "Tianquan, what did you say?" Where is that big brother, take me to see."

"Sister, what's the matter?" Looking at Yehuang who suddenly became agitated, Tianquan was very puzzled.

"Sister can't tell you clearly at the moment, and I won't know until I see that person." Yehuang was just guessing, guessing that the other party might be Shangguan Yuntian.

If so, great.

But at this time, because there was no confirmation, she didn't know how to tell Tianquan.

(End of this chapter)

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