The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1580 Husband and wife meet

Chapter 1580 Husband and wife meet (five)

Seeing Tianquan like this, the guardian looked helpless, but he still didn't move away. Just as he was about to persuade him, Tianshu arrived.

Looking at Tianquan and Yehuang who were still standing outside, how could he not know what happened, so he said, "Let her in."

"Yes, patriarch."

The patriarch spoke, but the guardian didn't say a word, he just stepped aside and let Tianquan and Yehuang go in together.As for Qin Chao and others, they were blocked outside.

Tianshu glanced at Qin Chao and the others, then walked into Tianchi.

Tianquan brought Yehuang to Tianchi first.When Yehuang saw the figure sitting in the pool, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

She finally met him, and it was great that he was still alive.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Tianquan turned his head and was about to talk to Yehuang, when he saw her tears streaming down his face, he couldn't help worrying.

"He's still alive?" Yehuang's eyes kept falling on Shangguan Yuntian's body, and she couldn't bear to look away.

"Sister, do you mean big brother?" Tianquan looked at Ye Huang with a confused face, the big brother in Tianchi was of course still alive.

However, Grandpa said that he will not live for long, so he must be treated as soon as possible.It's just that he doesn't know how to treat it.

"En!" Yehuang nodded, then turned to ask Tianquan: "Can you get him out of the pool?"

"You have to ask grandpa about that."

"Okay, I'll ask your grandpa." Yehuang said, turning around and going outside, just in time to see Tianshu oncoming.So, she bowed to Tianshu, and then asked: "Patriarch, can the people in Tianchi let him out?"

However, Tianshu shook his head and said: "It's absolutely impossible, he is now relying on the water in this pool to continue his life, once you get him out, he will die."

"What?" Yehuang was startled, looked at Tianshu, and then asked, "I don't know how to save him?"

"Don't worry, let me tell you slowly." Tianshu looked at Yehuang's eager look and comforted him.Shangguan Yuntian's current situation is very dangerous, if he doesn't do it well, he will die.So, be careful and careful.

"All ears." Although Yehuang was anxious to save Shangguan Yuntian, she also knew that this kind of thing should not be rushed.After all, she still doesn't know what Shangguan Yuntian's current situation is.Unless she also entered Tianchi to feel his pulse.

"Sit down!" Tianshu pointed to the stone bench next to him, signaling Yehuang to sit down.

The two sat down together, and Tianshu told Yehuang about Shangguan Yuntian's situation.

"What did you say?" After hearing that, Yehuang's face became ugly.She thought that Shangguan Yuntian was only seriously injured at most, and with her own medical skills, he should be fine.

But he didn't want to, he was not as simple as being injured, but was hit by a spell.

This technique is relatively evil, and it is not easy to undo it. Not only does someone need to understand this technique, but also use the blood of the phoenix.

There is now the blood of the phoenix, and Tianshu said that it is in her own body.But it is not easy to find someone who knows the art.

Although Tianshu is the patriarch of the Celestial Clan and knows a lot of spells, he just doesn't know such crooked spells, so he can't do anything.

The only Daoist Master Tianji who knows how to know is being locked in a secret room by him.However, it is probably impossible for him to save Shangguan Yuntian.

Even if Daoist Tianji is willing, they will not rest assured.Who knows if he will kill him secretly?

Yehuang finally accepted what Tianshu said, and then asked: "Then what should I do now?"

 Thank you for accepting the real reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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