The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1581 Soul Control Soul

Chapter 1581 Soul Controlling by Techniques ([-])

"There is a way, but we have to start with Daoist Tianji." Patriarch Tianshu pondered for a moment, and said.

The person who tied the bell had to be untied. Since Shangguan Yuntian's technique was given by Taoist Master Tianji, only he can untie it.

"Let him take the initiative to dispel this spell?" Yehuang frowned, and she didn't have any good feelings for Taoist Master Tianji.If Daoist Tianji was going to dispel the spell, she was not at ease at all.

"No." Tianshu shook his head, and then said: "Now that you have the inheritance of the Tianfeng clan, there should be a kind of soul-hunting technique in it, right?"

"How do you know?" Yehuang was startled and looked at Tianshu.In the previous inheritance, there was indeed a soul-hunting technique, but Tianshu didn't expect to know about it.

Seeing Yehuang's surprised look, Tianshu said lightly: "I am the patriarch of the Celestial Clan."

The meaning is to tell Yehuang, since he is the patriarch, what else would he not know?

Yehuang nodded, no matter what Tianshu said was true or not, it is also true that he is the patriarch of the Celestial Clan.However, since he mentioned soul-stirring, is it possible that Tianshu is going to use it on the Tianji?
"What is the chief opinion of the patriarch?" Ye Huang asked.

"Use soul-stirring to control Taoist Master Tianji and let him tell you the solution. However, whether he will tell the truth depends on your means."

"Okay, I'll try. Where is Taoist Master Tianji now?" Yehuang agreed, she desperately wanted to wake up Shangguan Yuntian immediately, and she couldn't care about anything else.

"I locked him in the secret room, you come with me." Tianshu stood up while speaking, ready to leave.

Seeing that Tianshu was about to leave, Yehuang stopped and said, "Patriarch, please wait for me."

Tianshu turned his head to look at Yehuang, asking questions all over his face.

Yehuang pointed to Shangguan Yuntian in the pool, and said, "He is my husband, I want to talk to him first."

As soon as these words came out, Tianshu was surprised.He looked at Yehuang, then at Shangguan Yuntian in the pool, never thinking that they would be husband and wife.

It took a while for Tianshu to come back to his senses, then nodded and said, "I'll wait for you outside."

After speaking, Tianshu went out.Tianquan glanced at Yehuang, hesitated for a moment, and followed Tianshu out.

He already knew that Shangguan Yuntian was Yehuang's husband, and he was very satisfied with this result.In this way, Ye Huang would not leave so soon.

After Tianshu and Tianquan's grandfather and grandson left, Yehuang walked to Tianchi, then directly entered the pool, and came to Shangguan Yuntian.

Looking at Shangguan Yuntian who closed his eyes tightly, as if he had fallen asleep, Yehuang shed tears again.While weeping, she raised her hand and slowly stroked Shangguan Yuntian's face, describing his face bit by bit.

At this time, Yehuang was extremely grateful to the gods, and thanked the gods that Shangguan Yuntian was still alive.Even though, he is now unconscious of everything outside, as if he is in a deep sleep, she is still very grateful.At least, he was still alive, and she still had a chance to save him.

After painting Shangguan Yuntian's face, Yehuang tried to get Shangguan Yuntian's pulse again.Sure enough, as Tianshu said, his five senses were all closed, and he couldn't perceive anything outside at all.At this time, Shangguan Yuntian seemed to be in chaos, the world was me, and I was the world.

As for Yehuang touching his face and crying in front of him, she didn't know it at all.

After taking the pulse, Yehuang kissed Shangguan Yuntian again, and said to him: "Yuntian, wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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