The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1582 Soul Control Soul

Chapter 1582 Soul Control Soul ([-])

After speaking, Yehuang left from the pool.After that, she steamed her wet clothes with internal force, and then went out.

At this time, outside Tianchi, Qin Chao and others were waiting anxiously, they desperately wanted to know if the person inside was their master.

However, when they asked Tianshu and Tianquan, they said they didn't know, so everyone had to wait for Yehuang to come out.Time passed bit by bit, but Ye Huang never came out, Qin Chao and the others became more and more anxious.

If it wasn't for the people guarding Tianchi to block them, they would have rushed in directly.

After a while, they finally saw Yehuang coming out, so they rushed to her and asked eagerly, "Ma'am, is the person inside?"

Looking at the tense and eager faces, Yehuang nodded.

When she nodded her head, Qin Chao and the others instantly became excited.They suddenly hugged each other, wept with joy, and said: "It's great that the master has been found.

Yehuang looked at the excited crowd and stood quietly without speaking.It wasn't until they calmed down slowly that they said, "He's still unconscious."

"What's going on?" Hearing this, Qin Chao was startled and asked, "Is the Lord injured?"

Yehuang shook her head and said, "He has been hit by a spell."

"What?" Everyone's faces turned ugly. If it was just an injury, with Yehuang's medical skills, there must be no problem.

But now, the emperor has been hit by a spell, can the empress save him?
Thinking of this, everyone's eyes fell on Yehuang.As if knowing what everyone was thinking, Yehuang said, "I will try my best."

Hearing what Ye Huang said, although everyone was a little disappointed, at least they were not desperate, so they asked, "Madam, what can we do to help?"

"No, you go down and rest first. The patriarch and I still have some things to deal with."

Yehuang waved her hands, looked at the tired faces, and ordered.She knew that, these days, Qin Chao and others, like her, couldn't eat well or sleep well.

Now, since they found Shangguan Yuntian, it's time for them to have a good rest.

"This?" Qin Chao and the others hesitated.This is the territory of the Celestial Clan, where do they go to rest?
Yehuang looked at everyone's troubled looks, so she turned her head to look at Tianshu, and said, "Patriarch Tian, ​​these people of mine, please ask the patriarch to find someone to arrange them."

However, without waiting for Tianshu's answer, Tianquan on the side spoke first, and said, "Sister, don't worry, I will arrange for you people."

"Thank you Tianquan." Yehuang thanked Tianquan, then looked at Tianshu and said: "Patriarch, let's go."

Tianshu nodded, and then led Yehuang to the secret room of the Celestial Clan.The secret room was a little far away from Tianchi, in order to hurry up, the two directly used lightness kung fu.

At this time, in the secret room, Taoist Master Tianji was being imprisoned.The hands and feet are bound by a chain made of refined iron as thick as an arm, and it will make a sound whenever it is moved.

Daoist Tianji was tied hands and feet, and he couldn't even use spells.I wanted to break the chain, but I couldn't do it.

Therefore, since he was locked in the secret room, besides swearing at people every day, he still swears at people.

"Tianshu, you bastard, let me out. Let me out quickly."

"Tianshu, what's your ability to follow me? If you have the ability, you can fight with me alone."

"Tianshu, you ruined the good deeds of the Daoist Master, and the Daoist Master will not let you go."

"Tianshu, I am no longer a member of the Celestial Clan. Why do you arrest me and lock me up?"

(End of this chapter)

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