The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1583 Soul Control Soul

Chapter 1583 Soul Controlling by Techniques ([-])

As soon as Yehuang followed Tianshu into the secret room, he heard Taoist priest Tianji scolding.

Patriarch Tianshu has long been used to this scolding, so he walked directly in front of Daoist Tianji without even raising his eyebrows.

Hearing footsteps, Taoist Master Tianji's scolding stopped.When he raised his head and saw Tianshu and Yehuang standing in front of him, his eyes seemed to breathe fire, and he stared at Tianshu and said, "Old man Tianshu, when will you let me go?"

"I want to leave, it's impossible!" Tianshu said lightly, this Taoist priest of Tianji betrayed the Celestial Clan and hid it decades ago, until recently those visions appeared in Donghua Kingdom, allowing him to find his whereabouts, this Only then did he take the elders out of the mountain to catch him back.

How could he let the person who was finally captured come back again.

"Tianshu, don't forget, I was expelled from the Celestial Clan. What right do you have to deal with me and arrest me?" Daoist Tianji was so angry that he stared at Tianshu and said.

Decades ago, he was discovered by the elders of the clan because he used some disgraceful means to compete with Tianshu for the position of patriarch, so he was locked up and said that he would be punished according to clan rules.

But he didn't want to, he got a book of magic skills left by his predecessors in the place where he was imprisoned, so he practiced secretly, and found an opportunity to escape from the Celestial Clan.

For this reason, he kept his name incognito for decades, and didn't come out until he had achieved great success in the technique.I thought that after so many years, the people of the Celestial Clan had already forgotten his existence, but they didn't expect that they would take advantage of the large number of people and arrest him while he was practicing.

Damn it, he clearly remembered that shortly after leaving the Celestial Clan, he learned about his expulsion from the Celestial Clan.Now that he has been expelled, why do they care about him now?

"Have you forgotten the duty of the Celestial Clan?" Tianshu glanced at Taoist Priest Tianji indifferently.Daoist Tianji was expelled from the Celestial Clan, but so what?The Celestial Clan's spells are used to benefit the common people, not to harm others like Tianji Daoist.

Since he dared to harm people, why can't they do justice for the sky and eradicate the evil?

"You, you guys are just meddling in other people's business." Daoist Tianji said bitterly, these people are really full and have nothing to do, so what if he used spells to harm people?It didn't hurt them.

"This is the duty of the Celestial Clan." After Tianshu finished speaking, he asked, "Tianji, let me ask you, how can we save that person?"

"That person. Who?" Hearing this, Daoist Tianji hooked his lips into a sneer, and said, "You're talking about Shangguan Yuntian, right? Tell you, no one can save him except me. If you are sensible, you can save him." I let it go, maybe I can still consider saving his life. Otherwise, he will die."

After hearing what Daoist Tianji said, Yehuang's face became ugly, and he took a step forward to look at him sharply, and said: "Daoist Tianji, I advise you to tell the way to save people, otherwise, I will let you Taste the feeling that life is worse than death."

"Who are you?" Daoist Tianji glanced at Ye Huang lightly, not paying attention to her at all.

"Night Phoenix!"

Daoist Tianji's expression changed, he looked at Yehuang and said, "What, you are Yehuang?"

"That's right, I'm Ye Huang." Ye Huang nodded, and said, "Tianji Daoist should have heard of my name, he should know my temper, and my methods. For those who don't cooperate Yes, or someone who says I want to die, I will never be polite."

Daoist Tianji's expression turned ugly, he looked at Yehuang with fear, and said, "What do you want to do?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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