The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1587 Phoenix blood as a guide

Chapter 1587 Phoenix blood as a guide ([-])

"Yes!" Tianquan frowned happily, and showed off to his grandfather: "My sister said that she has two babies at home, and they have to call me uncle."

"Really? It seems that Tianquan really wants to go to my sister's house to play?"

"Of course, I want to go." Tianquan nodded seriously, he really wanted to go.

"In this case, if my sister agrees, then grandpa will let you go, how about it?"

"Really? Great, I'll go and tell my sister." Tianquan was so happy that he turned around and went to look for Yehuang.But before walking two steps, she suddenly remembered that Ye Huang was resting, so she stopped and said, "Forget it, let's talk about it after my sister has rested."

After speaking, he returned to Tianshu's side and talked to him.

Ye Huang fell into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until the next morning.

Qin Chao and others woke up at night, but when they heard that Yehuang was resting, they didn't bother her, but asked Tianquan about Shangguan Yuntian's situation.

However, Tianquan didn't know much, he only knew that Shangguan Yuntian was rescued by his grandfather and elders, and he didn't know anything else.

Qin Chao and others also wanted to see Shangguan Yuntian, but the patriarch did not agree.Let Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang enter Tianchi, it is a last resort.As for Qin Chao and others, they should be exempted.

When Shangguan Yuntian woke up, they would naturally be able to see it.

Tianshu disagreed, and Qin Chao and others did not insist. After dinner, they went back to their rooms.The next day, she woke up early and waited for Yehuang.

When Yehuang woke up, she felt very energetic, and only after asking about it did she realize that she had slept for half a day and one night.

After getting up and washing up, Yehuang was about to go to Tianquan.No, Tianquan came to find her before she left the house.

"Sister, are you awake? Have you rested yet?" Tian Quan was very happy to see that Ye Huang had woken up.He also came a few times last night, but seeing that Yehuang was still resting, he didn't bother him anymore, but went back.

This morning, he woke up early again.Originally, he wanted to wait for Yehuang to get up, but she had already woken up.

"Have a good rest, thank you Tianquan for making arrangements, my sister slept very comfortably yesterday." Yehuang reached out and rubbed Tianquan's hair, thanking her with a smile.

"Sister, you're welcome, this is what Tianquan should do." Sensing Yehuang's closeness and love for him, Tianquan's face was full of smiles.

He suddenly felt that it was nice to have a sister.

"By the way, Tianquan, why did you get up so early?" Ye Huang looked at the sky, then at Tianquan who had obviously been up for a while, and asked.

"Tianquan has to get up early to practice kungfu every day." While talking, Tianquan suddenly thought of Yehuang's martial arts is very powerful, so he asked: "Sister, your martial arts are so powerful, can you teach Tianquan?"

"Of course." Yehuang laughed, as long as Tianquan was willing to learn, let alone martial arts, even her medical skills would be willing to teach him.

"Really?" Tian Quan couldn't believe it.He had heard before that many people are unwilling to teach others martial arts unless they are apprentices and have the status of master and apprentice.

Therefore, he couldn't believe Ye Huang's words.

"It must be true." Yehuang laughed and said, "As long as you are willing to learn, sister is willing to teach."

Hearing these words, Tianquan was very beautiful. He suddenly jumped up, hugged Yehuang, and said, "That's great! Sister, Tianquan loves you so much."

Qin Chao, who came to look for Yehuang, waited to see this scene, and was stunned when he heard Tianquan's words.

What's happening here?
 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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