The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1588 Phoenix blood as a guide

Chapter 1588 Phoenix blood as a guide ([-])

Is Tianquan confessing his love to Madam?
At this time, Tianquan felt someone watching him, and turned his head away quickly.

When he saw Qin Chao and the others standing behind him, his face turned red instantly, and then he let go of Ye Huang embarrassedly, and said, "Sister, are you hungry, I'll take you to have breakfast."

"Okay!" Ye Huang laughed, took Tian Quan's hand actively, and walked out of the yard.

Qin Chao and the others watched the two leave before they realized it, and then chased after them.

"Ma'am, have you found a way to save your master?" Qin Chao suddenly became impatient and asked impatiently.He wanted to ask last night, but Yehuang had been resting.

No, after holding back all night, he finally couldn't help asking.

"I found it. Don't worry, he will wake up." Ye Huang said with a smile, she already had a plan in mind on how to save Shangguan Yuntian.Just wait for a while to finish eating, and then you can start.

"Really? That's great!" Qin Chao was very excited when he heard that, as long as he could save his master, he would do anything.

Before, it was his dereliction of duty that caused the master to become what he is now.When the master wakes up, he will take the initiative to apologize.

When the others heard that Yehuang had found a way to save people, they were also very happy.Even if Shangguan Yuntian wakes up, they are willing to punish them for their negligence of duty.I just hope he wakes up sooner.

"When did I tell a lie?" Ye Huang raised her eyebrows and looked at Qin Chao.More than anyone else, she hoped that Shangguan Yuntian would wake up.

"No, no, the subordinate said something wrong and should be punished." Qin Chao said hastily, while speaking, he stretched out his hand and slapped himself on the mouth.His action made everyone laugh.

Even Ye Huang was amused.It was Tian Quan, who looked at Qin Chao with disdain, and said, "It's so childish!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Chao's face couldn't help turning dark, and he stared at him.

When the group of people arrived at the dining hall in a happy mood, the food was already on the table.There are steamed buns, fried dough sticks, dumplings, dim sum, and multigrain rice porridge.

"Sister, the breakfast on the mountain is relatively light, please forgive me." Tianquan pulled Ye Huang to sit down on the chair, and then said.

Although he has never been down the mountain, he has heard from the elders who have gone down the mountain that the breakfast of those people down the mountain, especially the breakfast of the rich family, is very rich, with bird's nest and so on.

However, the ones on the mountain are relatively light. It’s not that you can’t afford good food, but it’s the rule passed down from your ancestors that you only eat whole grains for breakfast.

"It's okay, my sister often eats these too." Yehuang smiled and shook her head, then picked up a bowl beside her to serve porridge.No, Tianquan was one step ahead of her, took the bowl, and said, "Sister, I'll help you!"

"Thank you Tianquan!" Yehuang looked at Tianquan with a doting face, and was full of joy for this younger brother in her heart.

"Sister, you're welcome. You are a guest now. I should take care of my sister." Tianquan shook his head, helped Yehuang to fill a bowl of porridge, and brought it to her.

After that, he went to help himself fill a bowl, and then sat down.

Seeing Tianquan sit down, Yehuang took the initiative to help him with a big bun, which made his eyebrows crooked, very happy, with a happy look on his face.

In the end, both siblings started feeding each other.

Looking at this scene, Qin Chao and others accepted that they were not incompetent.Xindao, if the master finds out, he will definitely overturn the jealous jar.

(End of this chapter)

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