The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1589 Phoenix blood as a guide

Chapter 1589

After dinner, Yehuang asked the Tianshu patriarch some questions before going to Tianchi to treat Shangguan Yuntian.

Patriarch Tianshu and Tianquan followed her to Tianchi.

After arriving at Tianchi, Yehuang didn't get Shangguan Yuntian out of the pool, but walked in by herself, cut her finger, and dripped her blood into the bowl prepared in advance.

Tianquan and the patriarch helped, watching Yehuang drip blood into the bowl, and took out the medicinal materials prepared in advance, and took the water from the Tianchi, and walked to the open space to decoct the medicine.

While the patriarch was decocting the medicine, Yehuang took out a silver needle to temporarily seal Shangguan Yuntian's tendons.

Tianquan watched from the side and asked, "Sister, is there any effect for you to stick the needle on brother-in-law?"

He remembered that his grandfather said that as long as he used the blood of the phoenix and combined with spells, he could save people.But the Yehuang in front of him obviously didn't use any spells.

Because he has seen the technique before, there is no need for needles or anything.

"Seal his tendons, lest he wake up early and interrupt my movements when I know how to practice."

"That's it, then sister, if you seal your brother-in-law's veins like this, won't there be any problem?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Ye Huang comforted Tian Quan with a smile, and then stuck the remaining silver needle on Shangguan Yuntian's body.

After sealing all the veins on Shangguan Yuntian's body, she signaled Tianquan to leave a bit, then took out the props prepared in advance, and began to practice according to the method of saving people.

Tianquan saw that Yehuang had already started to practice, and obediently ran to Tianshu's side.

"Grandpa, do you think my sister can succeed?" Tian Quan asked worriedly.He hoped that Shangguan Yuntian would wake up, but also worried that Yehuang had never cast a spell, worried that she would not.

"Don't worry, your sister knows it well. Moreover, she has already obtained the inheritance of my Celestial Clan, so it is very simple for her to do it."


"Of course it's true. When did Grandpa lie to you?" Tianshu said with a smile, watching the fire while watching Yehuang's tricks.

I saw Yehuang's whole body had floated to the top of Shangguan Yuntian's head, her fingers clasped together, and she was muttering something.Following her movements, a beam of golden light suddenly shot out from Yehuang's injured finger, circling around Shangguan Yuntian's head.

After turning around and around, I don't know how many times, the light gradually entered Shangguan Yuntian's mind.

After all the rays of light entered Shangguan Yuntian's mind, Ye Huang came down from her head and then floated to the ground.

At this time, Tianshu saw that Yehuang had stopped, poured out the medicine that had just been fried, and put it aside.

When the medicine was almost cold, he gave it to Yehuang and asked her to feed it to Shangguan Yuntian.

Yehuang took the medicine and entered the pool again.When she was preparing to feed Shangguan Yuntian medicine, Shangguan Yuntian suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian opened his eyes, Yehuang was overjoyed, knowing that his actions just now had an effect, and his five senses had recovered.

So, with a smile on her face, she said to Shangguan Yuntian: "Yuntian, this is the medicine you boiled for you, drink it quickly."

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang with burning eyes, his eyes full of affection.It never occurred to him that when he regained consciousness, the first thing he would see would be Yehuang.

"Huang'er." Shangguan Yuntian opened his mouth and called out Yehuang's name.His voice was hoarse due to not speaking for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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