The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1590 Phoenix blood as a guide

Chapter 1590

"It's me!" Ye Huang nodded with a smile, handed the medicine to Shangguan Yuntian's mouth again, and said, "You drink the medicine first, if you have anything to say, we can talk about it later, okay?"

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Yehuang, then at the medicine bowl in her hand, smelled the smell of blood, and couldn't help frowning.

When he was about to ask if there was blood in the medicine, Yehuang had already poured the medicine into his mouth.So, he had no choice but to swallow the question that came to his lips, and then drank the medicine first.

When Shangguan Yuntian finished drinking the medicine, he saw that he was sitting in the pool, and immediately wanted to get up.However, Yehuang stopped her and said, "Yuntian, wait a moment, and take out the silver needle from your body."

After finishing speaking, Yehuang threw the bowl into Tianquan's hand and said, "Tianquan, continue!"

Seeing Tianquan catch the bowl, Yehuang stepped forward to help Shangguan Yuntian take out the silver needles one by one.

Holding the bowl, Tianquan stood aside and watched Yehuang take the needle, reluctant to leave.He suddenly realized that he didn't know Yehuang at all.Not only is she strong in martial arts, but she also carries silver needles with her, which are only used by doctors.

But he didn't expect that Yehuang could use it, and he used it so proficiently.

Tianshu looked at it, and his eyes flickered. He suddenly remembered the poison that Yehuang gave Tianji Taoist priest when he was in the secret room.

It seems that this Yehuang not only knows how to heal, but also poisons.

Yehuang quickly took out the silver needle from Shangguan Yuntian's body and put it away.

"All right!"

When Shangguan Yuntian heard Yehuang's agreement, he couldn't wait to stand up.But he forgot that he had maintained this posture for a long time, so that the blood flow was not flowing, and his hands and feet were stiff and inflexible.

So, together, the whole person couldn't stand upright, and fell on Ye Huang's body.

Yehuang watched and quickly supported him.

Tianquan who was standing by the pool saw this scene, also flew up to Shangguan Yuntian's side, and helped Yehuang to support him together.

"Are you okay?" Yehuang asked with concern while supporting Shangguan Yuntian.

"It's okay, it's just sitting for too long, it'll be fine slowly." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, then turned his head to look at Tianquan who was holding his other hand, and asked, "Who is he?"

Before Yehuang could answer, Tianquan had already spoken first, saying, "Brother-in-law, hello, I am Tianquan."

Right of heaven?Or Yehuang's younger brother?

When did Yehuang have a younger brother, why didn't he know?
Thinking about it, Shangguan Yuntian turned his gaze to Yehuang, asking questions.

"I'll explain to you later." Yehuang smiled, and then helped Shangguan Yuntian out of the pool, and said, "Go out first, you're all wet, change your clothes first."

"Sister is right, let's get out of here first." Tianquan joined in and helped Yehuang lift Shangguan Yuntian out of Tianchi.

As soon as they got out of Tianchi, the three of them used their internal energy to dry their clothes.

At this time, Tianshu came over, looked Shangguan Yuntian up and down, and saw that he was fine, then he was relieved, and said: "I am Tianshu, the patriarch of the Celestial Clan, as long as you are fine."

"Don't worry, patriarch, he's fine." Yehuang smiled back at Tianshu's words, when she had just helped Shangguan Yuntian, she had already secretly checked his pulse, except that he was a little weaker, nothing was wrong.

"Well, let Tianquan take you to change clothes first, and then have a good rest." Hearing what Yehuang said, Tianshu was completely relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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