The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1604 Donghua War

Chapter 1604 Donghua War ([-])

"What? The emperor is a fake?"

"That's impossible. Why is the emperor a fake?"

"The emperor is a fake, the real emperor has disappeared."

"You're talking nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense." There was a quarrel in the army, and Shangguan Yuntian gave Qin Chao a wink.

Qin Chao flew up and flew towards the army.The person who spoke first was quickly arrested and brought to Shangguan Yuntian.

At this time, Yunfei also spoke, and said to the soldiers below: "Be quiet! Otherwise, you will be dealt with by military law."

Yunfei's prestige is not bad, and just now Qin Chao directly arrested people, the soldiers calmed down and looked towards the high platform in front.

On the high platform, Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the captured person indifferently, and asked coldly: "Who are you? Why are you here to confuse the army?"

"I, I didn't confuse the soldiers, you are a fake." Under the pressure of Shangguan Yuntian, the man's legs were weak, and he was very guilty, but he still held his breath and said.

"Is it a fake?" Shangguan Yuntian sneered, and ordered Qin Chao who was at the side: "Tear off his human skin mask, and let everyone see his true face."

That's right, the soldiers in front of him were not Dazhao's soldiers, but the enemy sneaked in.He was just wearing a fake human skin mask.

At this time, those who still wanted to confuse Dazhao's army didn't need to think about it, it was either the rebel army or the spies sent by Xishui.

Qin Chao responded, and then tore that person's face in front of everyone, directly tearing off the other person's human skin mask.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers below didn't need to say much at all. What else didn't they understand?
They know they have been cheated and blame themselves.Everyone knelt down and pleaded guilty to Shangguan Yuntian.

Seeing the soldiers like this, Shangguan Yuntian was not angry, nor did he punish them, but said in front of everyone: "I can forgive you this time, because you have been deceived. If you don't know how to repent next time, If you still believe those rumors, then you are not worthy to be soldiers of my Dazhao."

After this episode, the military spirit finally settled down.Shangguan Yuntian went directly to the handsome tent, the person who pretended to be him had already recovered his original face, and when he saw Shangguan Yuntian, he knelt down and pleaded guilty to him.

At this time, Yun Fei, who came in later, also knelt down and said: "The last general acted without the emperor's consent, and I ask the emperor to punish him."

"Get up, you're right. It's an extraordinary time, and it's an extraordinary time to deal with it. What are you guilty of?" Shangguan Yuntian stepped forward to help Yunfei up. He didn't do anything wrong.On the contrary, he handled it very well.

Otherwise, the morale of the army would have been slackened long ago. How could they beat the chaotic army to pieces and retreat soon?
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yun Fei and the man thanked Shangguan Yuntian, and then stood up.

The man backed out, while Yun Fei stayed behind.In today's battle, the rebellious army lost a lot of soldiers, Yunfei felt that he could give the opponent a hard time.

"What do you think?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yunfei and asked.This battle has indeed dragged on for a long time, and it must be resolved quickly, and it cannot be dragged on any longer.

What's more, the rebellious army no longer has a leader or a military division. Apart from their relatively large numbers, there is no threat to them.

"The last general wants to give them a way to get rid of the fire." Yun Fei said with a smile.He had already figured it out, if he wanted to wipe out the chaos army completely, he had to use a ruthless move.

(End of this chapter)

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