The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1605 Donghua War

Chapter 1605 Donghua War ([-])

"What kind of drudgery? Stealing the other party's food and grass?" Shangguan Yuntian raised his eyebrows. Apart from cutting off the other party's food and grass, there seemed to be no other better way to draw the bottom line.

"That's right, the general has sent people to investigate. Their grain and grass are hidden in a hidden place. Because that place is hidden, there are not many people guarding it. The general is going to take people to rob the grain and grass. Once the rebel army has no food and grass, we don't need to do anything, they will mess up their positions. In this way, the rebellion army will be destroyed without attack."

Yunfei expressed his thoughts, and Shangguan Yuntian immediately agreed after hearing it.

So, that night, Yunfei directly led his men to attack the food and grass of the rebel army at night, looting hundreds of tons of food and grass of the rebel army.

When the rebel army learned that the food and grass had been robbed, the entire camp was in chaos.This food is their life, how can we fight this battle without food?
Therefore, there was no need for Dazhao to send troops, and they retreated directly.

Shangguan Yuntian stayed in the barracks until very late, and waited until Yunfei came back with food and grass, then left and went back to the city to look for Yehuang.

Because Shangguan Yuntian told Yehuang in advance that he would go back very late, so Yehuang went to bed early.

However, when Shangguan Yuntian came back, she still woke up.

"Huang'er, did I wake you up?" Looking at Yehuang who opened his eyes and looked at him, Shangguan Yuntian blamed himself a little.Had he known this earlier, he would not have come back.

"It's okay, I slept a lot during the day." Yehuang smiled, then sat up with a piece of clothing on, and asked, "Did something happen in the barracks? Why did you come back so late?"

From Yehuang's point of view, if it wasn't for an accident in the barracks, it would have been impossible for Shangguan Yuntian to come back so late.

"It's okay, Yunfei took people out tonight, and I didn't come back until they came back." Shangguan Yuntian explained with a smile, and took his clothes to take a shower.

After taking a bath, Yehuang was still sitting on the bed, reading a book with relish.

"Don't read it, go to sleep." Shangguan Yuntian took the book out of Yehuang's hand, and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

Yehuang looked up at Shangguan Yuntian, seeing that his hair was still wet, so she took a towel aside and wiped it for him.

Originally, Shangguan Yuntian wanted to use his internal force to steam his hair dry, but when he saw that Yehuang was busy wiping it himself, he let her do it.

While brushing Shangguan Yuntian's hair, Yehuang said, "The lord is locked here, do you want to meet him?"

"Alright!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded. Hearing that the Venerable Lord is the apprentice of Daoist Priest Tianji, he wanted to see how much of Daoist Priest Tianji's skills the other party had learned, especially in terms of spells.

He didn't want to lose a Taoist Master Tianji and have another lord.

After all, this technique is quite capable of bluffing people.Not to mention ordinary people, even they are very afraid.

It had been a long time since Shangguan Yuntian's hair was dried.Shangguan Yuntian went to bed and fell asleep with Yehuang in his arms.

The next day, both woke up earlier.Rarely free, Yehuang thought that she hadn't practiced martial arts for a long time.So, I went to practice martial arts in the yard.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at it, and became interested, and stepped forward to make a move with Yehuang.

The other people in the ghost gate ran over when they heard the movement in the yard.In addition, Tian Quan, who was originally practicing alone, was also attracted.

Tianquan watched Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's confrontation, his eyes lit up, and it was the first time he saw a duel between real masters.That kind of excited and surging mood is simply indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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