The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1607 The Ruthlessness of the Lord

Chapter 1607 The Ruthlessness of the Lord ([-])

Now, seeing Yehuang, the Lord stared at her fiercely like a wolf.He didn't forget that he ended up in this place because of Yehuang.

If it wasn't for Yehuang, he would still be in front of his leader of the rebel army, so how could he become a prisoner?
"Yehuang, you finally showed up!" His lord looked at Yehuang, gritted his teeth and said a word, eyes full of hatred.

"My lord, don't come here without any problems!" Ye Huang ignored the hatred in the other party's eyes, and replied with a smile.

The prisoner, if she wants him to live, he will live, if she wants him to die, he will die, so why bother whether he hates herself or not.

"You will be imprisoned for a few days and try to see if you are safe?" The Lord said angrily, and then turned his gaze to Shangguan Yuntian.

Because, Shangguan Yuntian's aura is so strong that it's hard for him to ignore it.

who is he?Why did you come in with Yehuang.And it seems that the relationship between the two of them is very close.

While the Lord was thinking, he guessed the identity of Shangguan Yuntian.Who is the person who has a close relationship with Yehuang and has a strong aura?

Soon, a name appeared in his mind, that is Shangguan Yuntian.But he dared to believe it, because he remembered that his subordinates said that Daoist Tianji and Shangguan Yuntian disappeared together.

Moreover, Daoist Tianji once said that he would help him kill Shangguan Yuntian.

If the person in front of him is really Shangguan Yuntian, what about Taoist Master Tianji?Is he dead, otherwise, the death should be Shangguan Yuntian.

In order to confirm his guess, His Holiness looked at Shangguan Yuntian and asked tentatively, "Who are you? Shangguan Yuntian?"

"That's right, I am Shangguan Yuntian, the emperor of Dazhao." Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the Lord lightly, and looked at him sharply, as if he wanted to see through him directly.

"Are you really Shangguan Yuntian?" Although Shangguan Yuntian admitted, the Lord still couldn't believe it.

If Shangguan Yuntian is still alive, it means the failure of Taoist Priest Tianji and the death of Taoist Priest Tianji.This, he cannot accept.

Daoist Tianji is his military adviser, and he still needs the help of Daoist Tianji.Otherwise, how would he win the Donghua Kingdom, how would he sit on the position of the Ninth Five Lord?

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?" Shangguan Yuntian replied coldly, and then asked: "I heard that you are the apprentice of Taoist Master Tianji. I don't know his skills, but how much have you learned?"

"What do you want to do?" The Lord was startled, looked at Shangguan Yuntian, and didn't understand what he meant.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask if you know how to perform spells."

Shangguan Yuntian is not afraid of other things, but he is afraid of spells.He suffered from the technique before.If the Venerable Lord knew how to use spells, he would not be able to stay for a moment.

"Why should I tell you?" The Lord looked at Shangguan Yuntian vigilantly, not knowing why he would ask this.

He also wanted to learn spells, but Taoist Master Tianji didn't teach him.Otherwise, he wouldn't have to wait to die in this cell now.

If he knew how to spell, he wouldn't be able to leave in minutes.

Of course, he won't say these things, he still doesn't know what Shangguan Yuntian's intention is.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" Yehuang on the side spoke, looked at the Lord and said, "It seems that you have forgotten how it fell into my hands."

"Yehuang, what do you want to do?" Thinking of being captured by Yehuang, the Lord's face changed instantly.

That was his shame, and a nightmare he didn't want to think about.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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