The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1608 The Ruthlessness of the Lord

Chapter 1608 The Ruthlessness of the Lord ([-])

"It's nothing, I just advise you to be sensible, otherwise..." Yehuang didn't finish her sentence, but no one could hear the threat.

The lord's face became more and more ugly. If possible, he really wanted to kill Ye Huang immediately.But he couldn't, not only because he was closed, but also because Yehuang didn't know what he had done to him, so that he couldn't use all his kung fu at all.


"Stop talking nonsense, let's talk." Yehuang became a little impatient. She really hated and despised people like the Lord.For their own selfishness, they did not hesitate to start a war, and even dragged the people into the fire and water.

"No!" The Lord was very unwilling, but he still told the truth.No way, the situation is stronger than people.Not to mention that he is alone and weak, even if he is already a prisoner, he can't do anything to Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

On the contrary, if these two people want to do something to him, it will definitely be a matter of minutes.

"You'd better tell the truth, otherwise you know what I'm doing." Yehuang looked at the Lord, judging whether his words were true or a lie.

The lord was very angry, staring at Yehuang and said: "It's already this time, do I still have to lie to you?"

"Okay, let's trust you for now." Yehuang looked at the other party as if he really didn't seem to be lying, but didn't make things difficult for him anymore.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the lord lightly, and suddenly said: "Taoist Master Tianji is dead, and your dream of being an emperor is shattered. For the sake of your telling the truth, tell me, how do you want to die, maybe I can give it to you." A joy."

"The Taoist priest is really dead?" His Holiness couldn't believe it.In his opinion, Taoist Master Tianji was definitely a god-like figure, with such powerful spells, how could he die so easily?
But Shangguan Yuntian, as the king of a country, can't cheat others.So, what he said is true, Taoist Master Tianji is really dead.

Could it be that his life is over like this?No, he is not reconciled.

So, the Lord suddenly raised his head, looked at Shangguan Yuntian and said, "You can't kill me!"

"Why?" Shangguan Yuntian asked indifferently, thinking to himself, is it possible that this lord still has some trump cards?
"Because, if I die, then Donghua Kingdom will also cease to exist." The Lord suddenly became proud when he thought of his own arrangement.

"What did you do?" Ye Huang's expression turned ugly.She was wondering whether she had underestimated the Lord.After all, she had easily captured him before, so she had doubts about his ability.

But now it seems that she may have been wrong about the other party all along.A person who dares to rebel and seek the country should not be an idiot.

"Why should I tell you?" The lord looked at Ye Huang's discolored face and became proud.He has already made arrangements, and what he can't get, no one else can get it.He would rather make others cheaper than the person sitting on the throne.

Even if it is death, he will pull the opponent's back.

"Don't tell me, do you? It seems that you don't have a long memory." Ye Huang was instantly annoyed, and looked at the Lord with cold eyes.

Since he doesn't want to say it, she will keep him from saying it forever.

"What do you want to do again?" The smug look on the lord's face disappeared, how could he have forgotten that there is a crazy woman like Ye Huang?
No wonder, the ancients would say that only women and villains are difficult to raise.

This Yehuang was born to restrain him, not to mention ruining his plan, but also destroying others.

Damn it!

 Thanks to Alice for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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