The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1620 War of Two Kingdoms

Chapter 1620 War Between the Two Countries ([-])

Sima Feng looked at the person standing in front of him with an unhappy expression.This man is a servant in his mansion, and he came to be a lobbyist for Xishui Kingdom.

He didn't even know that there was still Xishui's secret work in his mansion.

"My lord, this is a letter written by Prince Xishui, please read it." The man said while handing the letter written by Xishui Chuxuan to Sima Feng.

Sima Feng glanced at the other party lightly, but did not accept the letter.It's not that he judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, it is really an extraordinary period, who knows if there is any trick in this letter.

He didn't want to capsize in the gutter.After all, the people of Xishui Country like to use some shady methods the most, so he still has to be on guard.

"My lord?" The servant looked at Sima Feng not answering the letter, a little puzzled, and looked up at him.

"Come on, lock him up." Sima Feng glanced at the boy lightly and said.

As soon as the sound fell, two guards came in immediately, reaching out to grab the boy.

"My lord, I'm from Xishui Kingdom. Are you not afraid of Xishui Kingdom's revenge if you arrest me?" The boy's face changed and he looked at Sima Feng.It never occurred to him that someone would take him away. He was blatantly rejecting Xi Shui.

"Take it down." Sima Feng spat out a few words lightly, and the guards took him down directly.

The boy was taken away, Sima Feng sat down, reached out and tapped the table lightly.It seems that Xishuiguo is also ready to make a move, he has to contact Shangguan Yuntian as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, he suddenly called out: "Come here, go and see if Shuyan is back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shuyan's voice came in from outside, saying, "My lord, I'm back."

"How is it?" Sima Feng asked.

"Replying to my lord, the letter has been sent to His Majesty the Emperor Jokhang. He said that he will send someone to get in touch with you as soon as possible."

"Okay, I see, you go down and rest first." Sima Feng waved his hand, signaling Shuyan to go down and rest.He turned around and went to the study room. Since he wanted to dedicate the city to Dazhao, he had to deal with some things in advance.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't keep Sima Feng waiting too long, and he brought Qin Chao to Sima Feng's residence that afternoon.

Seeing the person who came suddenly, Sima Feng couldn't react.He never thought that Shangguan Yuntian would come over in person.

"Please!" After Sima Feng came back to his senses, he immediately invited Shangguan Yuntian into the study.

After entering the study, Sima Feng saluted Shangguan Yuntian.

"Sima Feng met His Majesty the Emperor Jokhang."

However, without waiting for him to bow down, Shangguan Yuntian stretched out his hand to support him, and said: "Prime Minister Sima, you don't need to be too polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, please sit down!"

After the two parties sat down, they didn't exchange pleasantries, and directly talked about the business.

The two reached an agreement on the offering of the city, and set a time for welcoming the Jokhang army into the city.

After talking about the business, Sima Feng also mentioned the actions of Xishuiguo, and asked Shangguan Yuntian to beware that there would be a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry.

"Don't worry, you just need to let the army in the city not conflict with Dazhao and surrender willingly."

"Don't worry about this. I will take care of the affairs in the city. However, I don't have many people here. Please send some people to help, so that some mice won't spoil our important affairs."

"Okay, this token, the people of the ghost gate in the city are at your disposal." Shangguan Yuntian handed Sima Feng the token of the ghost gate that Yehuang had given him when he came.

As for the people in Yan Dian, Shangguan Yuntian planned to keep them in the dark, so that they could better deal with Xishui Kingdom's spies in the imperial city.

(End of this chapter)

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