The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1621 Disc Messers Chaos City

Chapter 1621 Disc Messers Chaos City ([-])

The matter was settled, Shangguan Yuntian didn't stay long, and went out of the city with Qin Chao overnight, leaving the affairs of the city to Sima Feng.

In order to deal with the secret work in the imperial city as soon as possible, Sima Feng did not delay. After Shangguan Yuntian and the others left the city, they went directly to the branch of the ghost gate. The fine work has been dealt with.

As for the secret work in the city, Sima Feng also had some lists before, but it was incomplete.It seems that people from the ghost gate have more knowledge than him, especially those secret works hidden in the ministers' mansions.

After Sima Feng read the list, he immediately mobilized the forbidden army in the imperial city and surrounded those meticulously crafted strongholds.

And the people from the ghost gate went to the mansions of various ministers to get out the hidden secrets.

At this time, outside the city, the camp of Xishui Kingdom.Xishui Chuxuan never got a reply from the city, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

He guessed that the person he sent to deliver the letter might have had an accident.Therefore, he didn't intend to wait any longer, and decided to storm the imperial city.

While mobilizing the army to prepare to attack the city, he contacted the secret workers in the city and prepared to let them respond.

However, what Xishui Chuxuan didn't know was that most of the secret work in his city had been dealt with by Sima Feng and the people from Guimen.

Only a few people who lurked particularly deep survived, and then wanted to take the opportunity to go out of the city to report to Xishui Chuxuan.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to go out of the city, because the city is under martial law.They had no choice but to find a dog hole to get out and find Xishui Chuxuan in the camp.

"His Royal Highness, it's not good. All the people in our city were killed by Sima Feng." Seeing Xishui Chuxuan, Xi Zuo immediately reported.

"What? Sima Feng actually killed all of our people? Who gave him the courage?" Xishui Chuxuan's face turned ugly, and he was still counting on the people in the city to respond.

But he didn't want to be killed by Sima Feng.

"His Royal Highness, according to the information obtained by his subordinates, it seems that Sima Feng has reached an agreement with Dazhao and wants to dedicate the imperial city to Dazhao."

"He dares!" Xishui Chuxuan went mad, Sima Feng actually crossed Xishui and chose Dazhao, damn it.

It seems that if you don't give him a good look, he doesn't know that Xishui Kingdom is not easy to mess with.

So, Xishui Chuxuan looked at the detailed work and asked, "How many of our people are left?"

"There are still ten people." He said in a low voice, there were no less than 100 people in the city, but now there are only ten people left.

With such a small amount of manpower, it is not easy to do what you want to do.

"I order you to kill Sima Feng." Xishui Chuxuan ordered.

"His Royal Highness, this may be difficult. Now Sima Feng is surrounded by a few powerful people to protect him. It is not easy to get close to him. I have an idea, and I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Just say what you have to say, why bother?" Xishui Chuxuan looked at the detailed work with some displeasure. At this moment, there is still so much nonsense.

"Your Highness, this subordinate thinks so. Since Sima Feng wants to dedicate the imperial city to Dazhao, then we let him dedicate it. However, we can do something in the city to make Dazhao's bamboo basket fetch water in vain."

"What do you mean?"

"Your Highness, it's not as good as ours..." Na Xizuo stood up, approached Xishui Chuxuan's ear, and whispered.

After hearing what his subordinates said, Xishui Chuxuan hesitated.

The subordinates said it was a way, but it was too vicious.In this way, not only will Dazhao's bamboo basket fetching water come to nothing, it will even turn the imperial city into a dead city.

(End of this chapter)

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