The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1622 Disc Messers Chaos City

Chapter 1622
"Your Highness, don't hesitate. Right now we have no other way. Even if we attack now, Dazhao will definitely not sit idly by. In this way, not only will it consume our troops, but it may not be able to win the imperial city. It is better to follow the attributes As I said next, give the opponent a blow."

"Let me think about it again." Xishui Chuxuan still couldn't make up his mind, after all, this kind of thing was against the law.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking about? If we succeed, then maybe Dazhao's army can also be dealt with together." Xi Zuo continued to persuade, this is a once and for all solution.

Xishui Chuxuan, who was still hesitating at first, stopped hesitating after hearing what his subordinates said.He didn't care about anything else, as long as Jokha's army was dealt with, the entire Donghua Kingdom would belong to Xishui.As for whether the imperial city will become a dead city, it doesn't matter at all.

The entire Donghua Kingdom belongs to Xishui, so is it possible that there will be another imperial city?
"Okay, let's do as you said." Xishui Chuxuan finally made a decision, making the meticulous staff happy, and said: "Your Highness, please rest assured, this subordinate will definitely handle the matter well."

"Then I will be waiting for your good news."

Xi Zuo left Xishui's camp, and quietly went back to the city to join his companions.Xishui Chuxuan ordered the army to stand still for the time being, and even planned to retreat fifty miles quietly.

If the secret work in the city really gets things done, then the towns near the imperial city are likely to be implicated as well.

Shangguan Yuntian was not clear about Xishui Chuxuan's plan.I don't know that Xishui Kingdom's secret work will do a big thing in the imperial city.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian was arranging for the army to enter the city, while deploying troops to fight with Xishui's army.

Once they are stationed in the imperial city, then fighting is certain.Therefore, he had to act according to schedule and deploy troops.

Shangguan Yuntian was discussing with his generals when Qin Chao hurried in and reported: "Master, Xishui's army has retreated."

"Retreat? Why?" Shangguan Yuntian was taken aback, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.This is not in line with common sense. They haven't taken any action at this time. Why did the Xishui army retreat?

Could it be that the news leaked out?

Thinking of this possibility, Shangguan Yuntian looked at Qin Chao and asked: "Have you found out the reason?"

"Not yet. According to reliable sources, the Xishui army plans to retreat fifty miles." Qin Chao told Shangguan Yuntian the news he had just received.

"Fifty miles back, what does Xi Shui want to do?"

"Your Majesty, are they waiting for reinforcements?"

"Probably not." Shangguan Yuntian shook his head, the reinforcements from Xishui Kingdom arrived a few days ago, and they were already heading towards the imperial city, there was no reason for the army to retreat.

"Then what is their intention for doing this?" The generals were puzzled, it was abnormal to retreat instead of advancing at this time.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

While thinking about it, Shangguan Yuntian ordered to Qin Chao: "Let our people investigate carefully and see what the other party's situation is."

"Yes, this subordinate will let someone investigate."

After Qin Chao finished speaking, he left in a hurry.Shangguan Yuntian and the generals all pondered, guessing the reason why the Xishui army did this.

But after much deliberation, I couldn't think of a reasonable explanation, so I had to give up.

Let's talk about the Xishui army, after retreating fifty li, set up camp again, waiting for news from the imperial city.As soon as there is good news from the imperial city, Xishui Chuxuan intends to lead the army to take the town occupied by Dazhao.

(End of this chapter)

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