The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1623 Disc Messers Chaos City

Chapter 1623 Disc Messers Chaos City ([-])
At this time, in the imperial city, Xishui's detailed work immediately made an action plan after returning home, and then planned to implement it step by step according to the plan.

Due to time constraints, they didn't have time to study and deliberate on the plan carefully, so they decided after a brief discussion.

Then they each started to split up.

They set their target on the slums of the imperial city, where ordinary people live, and their lives are relatively poor.

Xishui's secret work first found a few rogues, then gave them some money and some medicine powder, and let them go down to a well.

As soon as the medicine powder is applied, some people in the vicinity will soon become ill and vomit.Because the family is relatively poor, these people have no money to get medical treatment when they are sick, so they can only stay at home and get some pot ashes, plant ash, or Guanyin soil to eat.

As a result, not only did the condition not get relieved, but it became more serious.

So, soon, the first dead person appeared.

In the poor kiln, the handling of the dead is also very simple, just throw the other person into a mass grave and that's it.

Unexpectedly, these dead people are carrying the virus, which will lead to a large-scale plague.

Xishui's secret agents have been secretly observing the progress of the matter. When they saw someone dead and thrown into the mass grave, they quietly brought the person back and threw him into the well.

As a result, more and more people near the well became sick and died.Many dead people had no time to be thrown into the mass graves, and were just thrown at home or exposed to the air.

Because the incident happened in a poor kiln, Sima Feng and the ministers in the court did not know at all, nor did they know that a crisis about the life and death of the people in the imperial city was approaching.

At this time, Sima Feng was splitting up with the ministers to persuade the guards in the city, telling them that Dazhao's army was about to enter the city, so that they could not have any armed conflict with them.

After persuasion, the generals agreed, and assured Sima Feng that nothing would happen, and they would welcome the Jokhang army into the city.

After solving the matter of the defenders and the matter of Xishui Xizuo, Sima Feng finally heaved a sigh of relief, and then sent a letter to Shangguan Yuntian, telling him that he could enter the city according to the agreed time.

At this time, in order to confuse the public and prevent the people above from paying attention to the dead people in the poor kiln, the Xishui agents deliberately created several chaos in the imperial city to attract the attention of Sima Feng and the ministers.

Sure enough, Sima Feng and the others were all focused on the chaos and sent people to investigate.However, the result was not satisfactory, as if the chaos was not intentional.

Rather, it is a conflict caused by panic.

Sima Feng was not satisfied with this result, but he could only believe it temporarily.After all, the next day, Dazhao's army was about to enter the city.

Xishui Chuxuan also received news from the imperial city, and after learning that things had gone smoothly into the palace, he was overjoyed, and decided to go to the city in person to praise those meticulous work.

So, after Xishui Chuxuan dressed up in disguise, he quietly went into the city with a few of his subordinates.

After entering the city, he praised the fine work and found a place to live.He wanted to see what Shangguan Yuntian, the Jokhang Emperor known as the God of War, looked like.

Speaking of which, he had never seen Shangguan Yuntian before.Originally, I thought that there might be encounters on the battlefield in the future, and there would be opportunities to meet each other, but now I am not so sure.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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