The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1632: Ye Huang Goes Out

Chapter 1632: Ye Huang Goes Out ([-])

Yeyue looked distressed, but the imperial physician proposed several prescriptions to treat the disease, but they didn't work at all.

"What prescription, bring it to me to see." Yehuang said as she followed Yeyue towards the temporary medical office.

The temporary clinic was set up outside, not in the closed plague quarantine area.It will be here in a while.

Walking into the clinic, Yeyue found out the prescriptions prescribed by several imperial physicians, and handed them to Yehuang to see.

Yehuang took a rough look at the prescription, and then asked Yeyue, "Have the imperial physicians carefully examined and diagnosed those patients?"

"No, the imperial doctors didn't go in at all." Speaking of this, Yeyue wanted to say something bad.These imperial physicians, all of them cherish their lives very much, how dare they go in.

"Didn't go in, didn't see the patient, and just wrote the prescription?" Yehuang was stunned, looking at Yeyue, it would be hell if the prescription written in this way was useful.

At least you have to know how this plague was caused, okay?Only then can the right medicine be prescribed.

Really, as a doctor, he was really drunk to cherish his life to such an extent.

"Yes." Yeyue nodded.

"Then have you gone in and seen it?" Yehuang didn't look at the prescriptions anymore, they were all prescriptions for detoxification, and they didn't actually check the patients, it doesn't matter whether they read the prescriptions or not.

"I went in once, but I didn't examine the patients, and I didn't give them their pulse. I..." Yeyue said with a face of shame. He was actually afraid of the plague.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have left in embarrassment in the face of those begging eyes that day.

"Okay, you will go in with me later." Ye Huang waved her hand and interrupted Ye Yue's words.She knew that in this ancient time, everyone was afraid of the plague, almost to the point where talking about the plague turned pale.

It's just that as a doctor, it is her bounden duty to cure diseases and save lives, but she has no way to prescribe medicines outside like those imperial doctors.She wants to find the root of the disease, find the source, and find a way to save people.

"Yes, this subordinate obeys." Yeyue complied, then poured Yehuang a glass of water, and said, "Master, you have worked hard all the way here, let's drink a glass of water first."

Yehuang glanced at Yeyue, took a sip of water, sat down and rested for a while, and then said to him: "Let's go in, let's go in and see those patients."

After Ye Huang finished speaking, she stood up and headed towards the isolation area.

At this time, Sima Feng was directing the soldiers in the quarantine area to separate the infected from those who hadn't been infected.

When he saw Ye Huang coming, he was stunned and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.After a while, he stepped forward to pay respects: "Sima Feng has met Empress Jokhang."

"Prime Minister Sima, you don't need to be too polite." Yehuang waved his hands, saw a few soldiers chasing people away, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"We are going to separate those who are sick from those who are not. But these people don't want to be assigned, so they have no choice but to force them out."

"So that's the case." Yehuang nodded, and then asked: "I don't know where the uninfected patients are placed. I'll go and see."

"Please follow me." Sima Feng said as he took Yehuang to the place where those who were not sick lived.

The few people didn't go far, and came to the place where Sima Feng placed the people who were not sick.It was a relatively good-looking and relatively large courtyard, and no less than 300 people were already crowded inside.

This makes the originally empty yard look crowded.

 Thank you Dream Blue for your reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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