The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1633: Ye Huang Goes Out

Chapter 1633: Ye Huang Goes Out ([-])

Seeing Sima Feng approaching, the people gathered around and asked, "Master Prime Minister, when can we go out?"

The people still have a good impression of Sima Feng, the prime minister.After all, once it was confirmed that there was a plague in their place, even the doctor dared not come in, but he came with soldiers.

Therefore, the people still respect Sima Feng very much.

After hearing everyone's questions, Ye Huang raised her eyebrows, and without waiting for Sima Feng to speak, said directly: "When we find the cause of the plague and cure everyone's illness, you can go out."

"Cure everyone's illness? Madam, are you joking?" A young man looked at Ye Huang and said mockingly.Everyone knew that this plague could not be cured, so why did Yehuang speak big words.

"Why are you joking? Plague is also a disease. Since it is a disease, it must be cured, isn't it?" Ye Huang looked up at the young man who was talking, and said lightly.

"Ma'am, can you really be cured of the plague?" Everyone was dubious about Ye Huang's words.Although it was the first time for them to experience such a thing, they had heard a lot of the word plague.Almost all the people who got the plague before died, and there was never heard of a cure.

But the lady in front of her doesn't seem like a joking person, should they believe her?

"Why not, as long as the cause is found, it can be cured by prescribing the right medicine." Yehuang said seriously.

She knows that people don't believe her words now, but she will make everyone believe it.

"In this case, have you found the cause?" someone asked.

"No, that's why I came here to ask you guys to find out where this plague started." Ye Huang said with a smile.

After hearing Ye Huang's words, all the people present became thoughtful.Soon, someone spoke up and said, "It is said that this plague started from Shangyang Village. Two days ago, a person in Shangyang Village suddenly developed a lot of pimples, and then the whole person had a fever, and he didn't feel sick. After money for medical treatment, I got some Avalokitesvara soil to eat. But it didn't take long before he died."

"Where is Shangyang Village, can I trouble the eldest brother who knows the way to take us there?" Yehuang looked at the people and asked.

"I know, I'll take you there." The young man who spoke before suddenly stood up and said.He felt that Yehuang didn't seem to be lying, but rather wanted to cure someone who was sick.So, he chose to believe her.

"So, thank you very much." Ye Huang thanked the young man, then glanced at the people in the courtyard, and said, "There are too many people here, so go find another courtyard as soon as possible. It's easy to get sick."

After hearing Ye Huang's words, Sima Feng immediately told the people around him: "Find another yard, try to make it as big as possible, and separate the people."

His subordinates went to take orders, Sima Feng saw that Ye Huang was really going to Shangyang Village, so he followed without thinking.

At this time, in the palace, Shangguan Yuntian received the news that Yehuang had arrived in the imperial city, but he waited and waited until no one came, so he couldn't help being a little anxious, and ordered Qin Chao: "Go and see where the queen is? "

Qin Chao responded, and went to find someone to check Ye Huang's whereabouts.

After a while, he returned to Shangguan Yuntian's side and reported: "Master, the empress has arrived in the imperial city, but she went directly to the epidemic area."

"What?" Shangguan Yuntian's expression changed, and he asked, "How long have you been there?"

(End of this chapter)

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