The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1634: Ye Huang Goes Out

Chapter 1634: Ye Huang Goes Out ([-])

"For a while, it is estimated that he has entered the quarantine area."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yuntian's expression changed, and he said, "Nonsense! Why is no one stopping her?"

Plague is contagious.

Although Yehuang was a doctor, and he was the one who sent Qin Chao to send a letter to find her, but he never thought of letting her go directly to the epidemic area and contact those patients directly.

"Come on, go get the queen back." Shangguan Yuntian said loudly.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Chao to take a step, he suddenly said: "Forget it, I'll go by myself."

He knew that with Yehuang's temperament, even if Qin Chao and others went, they might not come back.So, let him go by himself.

"Master, you can't go!" Qin Chao said with a change of expression when he heard this.With Shangguan Yuntian going like this, what if he gets infected with the plague?
"The queen can go, why can't I go?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Qin Chao indifferently and said.Of course he knew what Qin Chao was thinking, but he believed in Ye Huang and believed that she would find a way.

And he said he was going to get Yehuang back, but he knew in his heart that Yehuang would definitely not come back.It's just that if he went, Yehuang might not do risky things because of him.

"Think twice, Your Majesty!" Qin Chao knelt down and looked at Shangguan Yuntian.There are tens of millions of people with Dazhao tied to his body, how can he take risks so easily?
"I've already thought twice, you don't need to say it again." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, and walked outside Qin Chao.

"Your Majesty!" Qin Chao panicked, got up quickly, and chased after him.

"If you still plan to persuade me, then don't follow." Shangguan Yuntian saw Qin Chao chasing him out, stopped in his tracks, glanced at him, and said.

"Subordinates dare not!" Qin Chao knelt down again, he was the master's bodyguard, of course he was where the master was.

Shangguan Yuntian left the palace and went straight to the plague quarantine area.

When they got there, they found out that Yehuang had gone to Shangyang Village after asking someone.So, the group turned to Shangyang Village again.

At this time, Yehuang and the others had already arrived at Shangyang Village, and were heading towards the house where the plague first broke out.

When they arrived, the house was empty, and the whole family was dead.

"Other than this family, is there any other family that also suffered from early onset?" Ye Huang checked around the house, but found no useful clues.

"I heard that these families also got sick at about the same time, but this family was the first to die." The young man thought for a while, pointed to several nearby families, and said.

"Which families got sick one after the other?" Ye Huang frowned and pondered after hearing the words.After that, she went to several nearby houses to check carefully, but still found nothing.

If several families get sick at the same time, it must be caused by something in common.What could it be?

While thinking, Ye Huang looked around.

Soon, a well fell into Ye Huang's eyes, so she walked towards the well.

As soon as we reached the well, there was an unpleasant smell of rotting flesh.Ye Huang's expression changed upon smelling this smell, and then she took out several pills from her body and gave them to the accompanying people respectively.

"Eat it!" After Ye Huang finished speaking, she took a step forward and looked into the well.The well is a little deep, and I can't see anything, but the smell is getting stronger and stronger.

Apparently the smell came from the well.

"There are dead people here." Ye Huang frowned, then picked up the bucket beside her and threw it down the well.

Seeing Yehuang's movements, the young man couldn't help asking: "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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