The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1639 Test the Poison

Chapter 1639 Test the Poison ([-])

"Okay!" Yeyue spat out two words, looked at Yehuang and said, "All the poison on the sect master's body has been cured."

"It's solved, isn't there any residue?" Ye Huang was overjoyed when she heard the words, and then she reached out to help her feel her pulse.

After she finished her pulse, the smile on her face grew stronger.Sure enough, as Yeyue said, all the poison on her body was cured.

But she didn't take the antidote, how did the poison be cured?
Yehuang thought deeply, the antidote was still a little bit short, but she couldn't find a clue what it was.

Now, the poison on her body was detoxified, as if a window had been opened for her, a beam of light flashed in her mind, but it was too fast to grasp.

What is it that is missing?

As Yehuang was thinking, she recalled what she had come into contact with after the poison test.After thinking for a while, there was no gain, so I had to give up.

It was Yeyue, who thought for a while and said, "Master, the poison on your body can be detoxified by itself. Could it be related to the detoxification pill you took before? I remember that the master once made a detoxification pill and said to take it It can prevent a hundred poisons. However, it seems that only a few detoxification pills have been made."

After Yeyue's reminder, Yehuang remembered that she had indeed made some antidote pills before, and there was a kind of antidote pill made with many precious medicinal materials, which could cure all kinds of poisons.

Is it really related to the antidote pill?But she no longer has that antidote pill on her body, how can she be sure?
After thinking about it, Yehuang's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said, "Yes!"

After speaking, she took out a silver needle from her body, pricked it on her finger, squeezed out a few drops of blood, and got it into the antidote.

Yehuang's speed was so fast that Shangguan Yuntian and Yeyue had no time to stop her blood dripping into the antidote.

As her blood dripped in, the antidote changed instantly, which surprised Ye Huang, and shouted: "It's done!"

Yeyue looked at it, and she also showed joy, and said, "Master, your blood can cure this poison, it's really great."

"Yeah, I didn't expect my blood to have this function." Yehuang was also very happy.Now it's all right, the antidote has finally been made, and the patients suffering from the plague are finally saved.

Only Shangguan Yuntian's face was a bit ugly, seeing Yehuang and Yeyue's happy faces, he couldn't help reminding: "Huang'er, how much blood do you have on your body?"

Yehuang was taken aback, looked at Shangguan Yuntian, and didn't react for a long time.She didn't understand why Shangguan Yuntian asked this question so well.

But Yeyue, after being reminded by Shangguan Yuntian, immediately understood, and then the joy on her face disappeared, she looked at Yehuang and said, "Master, this method will not work."


Yeyue looked at Yehuang, pointed to her finger, and said, "Master, it's impossible to let all the blood on your body be released to save those patients, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Yehuang finally understood what Shangguan Yuntian asked about the meaning of that sentence.Yes, the blood in her body is limited, but there are many patients, even if all her blood is drained, it may not be able to save those many patients.

How to do?
Ye Huang pondered again, thinking of a solution.

Yeyue was also silent, looking at the antidote just made with Yehuang's blood, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing Ye Huang with a troubled face and her deeply furrowed brows, Shangguan Yuntian felt very distressed.

Stepping forward, he gently stroked Yehuang's eyebrows, and then said: "Huang'er, besides your blood, if there is a detoxification pill, is it okay?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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