The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1640 Test the Poison

Chapter 1640 Test the Poison ([-])

"Of course!" Yehuang nodded, if there was the antidote pill she made before, the effect would definitely be better.Just one can make many antidotes.

At that time, those plague patients will be saved.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Yehuang, then untied a purse from his waist, handed it to Yehuang and said, "I still have a detoxification pill here, you can use it."

Yehuang was taken aback, and didn't take the purse, but looked up at Shangguan Yuntian, and asked, "Do you still have the detoxification pill?"

She gave it to Shangguan Yuntian a long time ago. She thought he should have eaten it long ago, but she didn't expect him to keep it.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at her, nodded, and said, "Keep it all the time."

Yehuang looked at him, not knowing what to say, but walked up to him, and gave him a big hug.

Shangguan Yuntian helped her a lot this time. With this antidote, she doesn't have to bleed from her body, which is really great.

Seeing Yehuang hugging herself in front of Yeyue, Shangguan Yuntian was both happy and a little uncomfortable, and said in a low voice, "Is someone watching?"

Ye Huang laughed and said, "It's okay, he doesn't dare to look."

However, she said so, she still let go of her hand, then took Shangguan Yuntian's purse and poured out the antidote, and started to get busy.

She first turned the antidote pill into a powder, and then added it to the antidote.Due to time constraints, she did not make the antidote into pills, but directly made a powder and wrapped it in paper. A packet of the powder can detoxify about ten people.

Seeing that Yehuang and Yeyue were too busy, Shangguan Yuntian stepped forward to help.

The three of them worked for an entire hour before they formulated all the antidotes.Then someone sent it to Sima Feng to be taken by those plague patients.

As for Yehuang, she was tired all day, Shangguan Yuntian said nothing to let her go to the plague quarantine area, but let her go back to the room to rest.

Yeyue was sent by Shangguan Yuntian to supervise.

Being assigned a task, Yeyue was not unhappy, and went to the plague area in a hurry.He was going to see how effective the antidote was, and see if they could save those people after being busy all day.

When they arrived in the plague area, Sima Feng had already had several cauldrons set up, and was pouring the antidote into the pots according to the order of the person who delivered the medicine, and then started to boil them.

The smell of medicine floated out of the cauldron, making the sick people excited.

"Is the Prime Minister cooking soup for us?"

"Yeah, I heard it's an antidote, just drink a bowl and we'll be fine."


"Of course it's true. That's the antidote formulated by Empress Jokhang herself, and delivered by someone herself. How can it be fake?"

"I've heard that too. I also heard that Empress Jokhang has never rested in order to formulate this antidote."

"That's right, I heard that Jokha's empress originally wanted to cook the antidote for us in person, but she was too tired, so she didn't come."

"Is it true, the empress of Jokha can help us prepare the antidote herself?"

"Tch, don't you believe it. Dazhao's empress is really nice, she treats people kindly, and she doesn't put on airs at all."

The common people were talking about Yehuang's goodness, Sima Feng listened with a faint smile on his face.The people of Donghua are all grateful. This time Yehuang saved them, and they will always remember her kindness.

The antidote was ready soon, and Sima Feng asked the patients to line up to get the medicine.One bowl per person was given to them to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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