The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1641 Free Consultation

Chapter 1641 Free consultation ([-])

There were quite a few patients, but fortunately, Ye Huang prepared a lot of antidote. After the patients drank all of them, there was still a big pot left, so those people who were not sick and the soldiers who had been staying in the isolation area were also divided. bowl.

After drinking the antidote, everyone had a faint smile on their faces.They saw hope and a bright future in life.

Time passed little by little, and the person who drank the antidote began to sweat.

As soon as they sweated, everyone became worried. They immediately went to Sima Feng and asked, "Master Prime Minister, what's going on with us? Why are we all sweating?"

They didn't do anything, and they could sweat just sitting, which made them feel uneasy. It was because there was something wrong with the antidote.

Sima Feng looked at the people surrounding him, and was about to explain, when Yeyue replied directly with internal force: "Don't worry, everyone, sweating means that the antidote has worked. Those plague viruses are being excreted from your sweat .When you stop sweating, everyone will go back and take a shower, and then the illness will be cured. However, in case of re-infection, you have to disinfect all the things at home, or burn them."

After hearing Yeyue's words, everyone was relieved.But when he heard that he was going to burn the things at home, he felt a little bit reluctant, so he asked, "How do we disinfect those things?"

"Use vinegar, use vinegar to disinfect."

What Yeyue didn't know was that his words directly caused the vinegar in the imperial city to soar, and the price was even more expensive than rice.

After hearing Yeyue's words, the people didn't wait any longer, and went to their homes one by one.They sterilized things at home while waiting for the virus to come out of their bodies.

After they finished disinfecting the things at home, they were almost sweating.So, I started to boil water and take a bath again.

After taking a bath, everyone felt very comfortable, and even the abscess that had started to fester on the face began to slowly heal.

The poison on his body was cured, and the people were very happy, and they all went to thank Sima Feng and Yeyue happily.

Some people even asked the two where Yehuang was, and they wanted to kowtow to her in person.

Seeing the sincere and grateful people, Yeyue had no choice but to tell them that she would report to Yehuang.Whether you want it or not depends on what Ye Huang wants.

After hearing this, the people were a little disappointed, but they could understand it.After all, Ye Huang's identity is there, if she is unwilling, they can only regret it.

Since the plague was resolved, Sima Feng did not stop the people from coming in and out, but the soldiers still did not withdraw. Instead, they checked around the slum area to see if there were any missing places that had not been disinfected.

While the people were drinking the antidote, Ye Huang was resting in the house.This time, Shangguan Yuntian did not accompany her, but ordered the remaining spies of Xishui Kingdom to be arrested.

For these people who created this plague and almost caused a catastrophe, Shangguan Yuntian showed no mercy. After asking for useful things, he directly ordered them to be sentenced to death by death. Also taste the taste of pain and despair.

After killing those spies, Shangguan Yuntian returned to Yehuang's resting room. Seeing that she had woken up, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Huang'er, Yeyue sent a letter back saying that the people in the quarantine area want to see you , I don't know what you think?"

"See you!" Ye Huang said with a smile.Coincidentally, she also wanted to see how the antidote worked.

(End of this chapter)

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