The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1642 Free Consultation

Chapter 1642 Free Consultation ([-])

In case there is something wrong, or the virus in someone's body has not been completely eliminated, or some body has other diseases, it can also be discovered in time.

"Then I will go with you?"

"No need, just let Yeyue accompany me. You should be busy with your own affairs." Yehuang smiled and refused. Shangguan Yuntian has her own things to do, and she can't always delay him.Moreover, she also wanted to end this war early and go back to Jokha.

"Okay, then you bring a few more people." Shangguan Yuntian was really busy, so he didn't insist.

Yehuang asked someone to bring a letter to Yeyue, telling him that he would be there in a while, and that he would conduct free consultations in the isolation area, so that those who were not feeling well or had old diseases could line up in advance.

After receiving Yehuang's message, Yeyue immediately notified the people.When everyone heard that Yehuang was coming, they were overjoyed.I was even more happy when I heard that she would give you free consultations.

None of these poor people are old and sick.In the past, they had no money to look down on them, but this time Yehuang showed them for free, how could they not seize the opportunity.

So, before Yehuang arrived, the common people began to line up and wait.

Seeing the large number of people, Sima Feng had no choice but to let soldiers come to maintain order.

When Yehuang arrived at the isolation area, she looked at the long queue, couldn't help but rubbed her forehead, and said, "There are so many people, I can't finish watching today."

Seeing Yehuang coming, Yeyue went up to meet her, and said, "Master, there are too many people, what should I do?"

"What should I do, cold salad!" Yehuang rolled Yeyue's eyes and walked forward.She didn't expect so many people, she thought there would be forty or fifty at most, but she didn't want to have more than four or five hundred.From the looks of it, the people from the entire area have come.

It's just that she can't let them go back now. After all, everything has been said, and words must be followed, so she can only help them read as much as possible.

However, it would definitely not work if she and Yeyue were alone, and she had to find some people to help.

Thinking about it, Ye Huang turned her head to look for Sima Feng's figure.

When she saw Sima Feng talking to the people, she signaled Dong to invite him over.

Dong took the order to invite Sima Feng over.

"I've met the empress." Sima Feng greeted Ye Huang politely, and asked with a smile, "I don't know why the empress is looking for me?"

"Prime Minister Sima, please do me a favor. Please bring back those former imperial physicians, and let them work with me to give free consultations to these common people."

Sima Feng was taken aback for a moment, looked at Ye Huang, then at the people in the long line, then nodded, and said, "Okay!"

After agreeing to Yehuang, Sima Feng immediately asked his subordinates to call the great doctors back.

When the imperial doctors heard Sima Feng's summons, they didn't delay, and came with a medicine box.But when they saw that Yehuang and Yeyue were consulting the people who were queuing up, they were still taken aback. They looked at Sima Feng and asked, "Master Prime Minister, I don't know if you have come to us. What is your order?"

"Did you see it?" Sima Feng pointed at Yehuang and Yeyue, and said, "That's Dazhao's empress. Now she is giving free consultations to the common people. Go and help."

"Empress of Dazhao?" The imperial doctors were taken aback, looking at Yehuang who was consulting the common people, they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

They are imperial physicians, and the objects they serve are the nobles in the palace.

Up to the empress dowager, down to the concubines, they all helped see the doctor.But there has never been one who would condescend to speak to ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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