The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1643 Free Consultation

Chapter 1643 Free Consultation ([-])

The people in the palace, even the maids and eunuchs were so proud, let alone the nobles.

But now, what did they see?The empress of Jokha actually consulted the people, and she was a group of people who had suffered from the plague?

She is a queen!

At this moment, the minds of the imperial doctors were severely impacted.Those who were originally reluctant were also shocked by Ye Huang.

"Go!" Sima Feng said calmly, seeing the expressions of the imperial physicians.

"Yes!" The imperial physicians responded, then walked up to Yehuang and Yeyue, and said, "Empress, we are here."

"There are several tables over there, one for each person." Yehuang nodded, and pointed to the table that had been prepared earlier.

After several imperial physicians sat down, Ye Huang stood up and said to the people in line: "These imperial physicians are from the palace, and they are also here to help you see a doctor, you can go to their side to line up. "

After hearing Yehuang's words, the people hesitated for a while, and some people began to stand up and walked in front of the imperial physicians.

Although they all wanted Yehuang to see a doctor for themselves, they also knew that she couldn't see so many people by herself.Moreover, they are already very happy that she can let the imperial doctor come to help them see a doctor.

To be a human being, one must be content.

So soon, the common people voluntarily went to the imperial physicians and asked them to help them see the doctor.

As a result, Yehuang's side suddenly became much more relaxed. Except for some old illnesses that had not recovered, everyone else went to the imperial physician for treatment.

Thanks to the help of the imperial physicians, the speed was much faster. After a few hours, all the patients finished watching.Only then did Ye Huang stand up, stretch her sore hands and feet, and then said to the imperial physicians: "Everyone has worked hard today, Ye Huang thank you all. Another day, I will treat everyone to dinner."

"The Queen's words are serious. It is our duty to save the sick and save the sick. We should not be thanked by the Queen." The imperial doctors said politely.Just kidding, Yehuang is the empress of Dazhao, and will be their master in the future.

How could they get their master to thank them and invite them to dinner?
After Yehuang thanked the imperial physicians, she was about to take her away.At this time, a young man walked towards Ye Huang.

When Dong and Xia saw it, they immediately stood in front of Ye Huang and asked, "Who is it?"

Ye Huang glanced at the other party, and recognized that the man was the one who took her to Shangyang Village before, so she said to Dong and Xia, "Let him in!"

Dong and Xia stepped aside and let the young man come to Ye Huang.

"Caomin has seen the empress." The man saluted Yehuang.

"Get up!" Ye Huang smiled and said, seeing the man standing up, she asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Caomin came here specially to thank Empress Empress. Thank you for saving Caomin's family. This is a fox fur that Caomin hunted before. It is not a rare item. I gave it to Empress to express my gratitude."

While talking, the young man untied the burden on his back, opened it, and unfolded a piece of pure white fox fur.

Looking at the fox fur, Ye Huang's face changed slightly, but she shook her head and said: "This thank you gift is too precious, I cannot accept it."

This is a good leather, if it is sold, it should be able to sell for a lot of money.But the other party wanted to give it to him, Yehuang was very moved.

This is a slum area. If there are such good things, if they are sold, they will at least be able to live comfortably for several years.

But he gave such a precious thing to himself, how could Yehuang not be moved?
 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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