The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1644 Free Consultation

Chapter 1644 Free Consultation ([-])

"My lady, it's just a fox fur. No matter how precious it is, it's not as precious as the lives of the grass people's family. You saved the grass people's family. Please accept this thank you no matter what." The young man knelt down again , pleaded.

Seeing the other party's sincere expression, Yehuang hesitated for a moment, and told Dong: "Give him some banknotes, let's treat it as ours to buy from him."

"Okay!" Dong agreed, took out all the bank notes she was carrying, and handed them to the young man.However, the other party refused to accept it, and knelt on the ground and refused to get up.

There was no other way, Yehuang had no choice but to accept the fox fur.

Seeing Yehuang put away the things, the young man stood up happily, then took his leave and left.

Looking at the back of the other party going away, Ye Huang laughed, and then ordered Dong: "Later, go to his house and have a look, and give them some silver taels."

"My subordinate understands."

Yehuang returned to the ghost gate, and Shangguan Yuntian also returned. Seeing Yehuang, he hugged her into his arms with a distressed expression, and said, "Huang'er, thank you for your hard work."

"You too." Yehuang laughed and hugged Shangguan Yuntian's waist.These days, he felt that Shangguan Yuntian had lost weight.

"Let's go, go and change your clothes, we have to eat later." Shangguan Yuntian let go of Yehuang, took her hand and went to the room where he lived.

Back in the room, Yehuang simply washed and combed, changed her clothes, and went to the living room for dinner with Shangguan Yuntian.

After eating, the two held hands and walked in the yard to digest food.Shangguan Yuntian asked about the situation in the quarantine area, and he was relieved when he learned that the people had taken the antidote made by Yehuang and had cured the virus on their bodies and were getting better.

The plague matter was settled, and he could now devote all his energy to fighting.

Now that Prince Xishui has been arrested, Xishui's army has begun to lose its morale.He had to take this opportunity to take down the army of Xishui, and then take back the city of Donghua they occupied.

At this time, the Imperial Palace of Xishui Kingdom.Xishuihuang was holding a letter in his hand, with Shangguan Yuntian's seal on it.It was exactly what Shangguan Yuntian had said to Xishui Chuxuan before, the letter he wrote to Xishuihuang.

In the letter, Shangguan Yuntian told Xishuihuang that Xishui Chuxuan was in his own hands, and if he wanted him to let him go, let Xishuihuang exchange it with the city of Donghua Kingdom occupied by Xishui army.

"You bastard." Emperor Xishui cursed after reading the letter.He never thought that the crown prince he was always proud of would fall into the hands of Shangguan Yuntian.

Damn it, now Shangguan Yuntian asked him to exchange the city for Xishui Chuxuan, he was causing him a problem.

Those cities were brought down by the Xishui army, so how could he be willing to exchange them for Xishui Chuxuan?

But if he didn't change, then Shangguan Yuntian would definitely do what he said and kill Xishui Chuxuan.That is the prince he has cultivated for 20 years, and he is the heir apparent of Xishui Kingdom.

Once Xishui Chuxuan died, where would he go to find a qualified heir?
At this time, Emperor Xishui felt a little regretful. He regretted that when he was training Xishui Chuxuan, he didn't train more princes.

If we had trained a few more people at that time, wouldn't we be in a dilemma now?
The more Xishuihuang thought about it, the more angry he became, and he pushed the paperweights and memorials on the desk to the ground.

The guard in the temple listened to the movement, so he didn't dare to breathe out, for fear that he would be found out if he made any movement, and then he would become a punching bag.

(End of this chapter)

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