The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1645 Free Consultation

Chapter 1645 Free consultation (five)

After Xishuihuang dropped the things on the table, the anger in his heart still persisted.Standing up, he left the hall angrily, and went to find someone to vent his anger on.

Emperor Xishui found a eunuch who had no eyesight, and beat him up hard. Then he let out a sigh of relief, calmed down slowly, and then summoned the ministers to discuss countermeasures.

When the ministers heard that Prince Xishui Chuxuan had been captured by Shangguan Yuntian, they immediately panicked.That is the prince of Xishui Kingdom, the future Emperor of Xishui.He was actually arrested by Shangguan Yuntian, how can this be done?
No, I have to find a way to rescue His Highness the Crown Prince.

Therefore, a group of ministers kowtowed to Emperor Xishui and said, "Your Majesty, please find a way to rescue His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Can Xishui Kingdom be without a Crown Prince?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the prince must have nothing to do."

Looking at the ministers who spoke for the prince and begged to save the prince, Emperor Xishui's face turned dark, and he stared at them and said indifferently: "The Emperor Dazhao gave a condition, that is, to exchange the city for the prince. how?"

"What, exchange the city for the crown prince?" The ministers were startled and looked at Emperor Xishui.

"That's right, Emperor Jokhang proposed to use the city of Donghua Kingdom we occupied in exchange for the crown prince."

"What? The emperor of Jokha must have too much appetite. That is the city that my soldiers from Xishui worked so hard to conquer. Why should I give it to them?"

"Yeah, how can this work?"

When they heard that the city was going to be exchanged, the ministers were not happy.Now that Xishui Kingdom's territory has finally expanded, how can it spit out the meat that reaches its mouth.

No, absolutely not.

The ministers all looked resolute and agreed that Shangguan Yuntian should not be taken advantage of in vain.

Xishuihuang saw the expressions on the faces of the ministers, and then said lightly: "Then the prince is not saved?"

As soon as this remark came out, the ministers fell silent.Yes, how did they forget His Highness the Crown Prince?Now, the life of His Royal Highness is in the hands of Shangguan Yuntian, can this city not be changed?
"Why are you silent?" Xishuihuang saw that all the ministers had become dumb, and his face became ugly again.

"Your Majesty, this matter has to be discussed in the long run." After a long time, the prime minister stood up and said.If the prince wants to be saved, the city cannot be changed, so they have to think of a way.

"A long-term plan?" Emperor Xishui glanced at the prime minister lightly, and said: "But Shangguan Yuntian only gave me three days. If I can't reply to him after three days, then he will kill the prince."

"What, time is so tight?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

"Then, why don't we agree to the other party. However, the number of cities cannot be as the other party said. How about giving him a city?"

"A city? In the eyes of adults, is His Royal Highness only worth a city?"

"If you don't give one, do you really give all the cities?"

"This is impossible."

"Then how many cities do you think are suitable?"

"This has to be discussed again."

Xishuihuang watched the ministers start arguing again, his expression changed again and again.In the end, it looked really outrageous, so he coughed lightly.

The ministers who were blushing at first stopped when they heard Emperor Xishui's cough, and then knelt in front of Emperor Xishui, saying: "I have nothing to say, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"You love ministers have been discussing for a long time, has the discussion come to a result?" Xishuihuang asked lightly.

All the ministers looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.Emperor Xishui was displeased, he glanced at the prime minister, and said: "Prime Minister, you are the head of all the officials, so tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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