The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1653 Exchange people for cities

Chapter 1653 Exchange people for cities ([-])

However, even if he was annoyed, he didn't dare to show it.After all, they are now in Shangguan Yuntian's territory, and His Royal Highness is still in the hands of the other party, so how dare they act rashly?

"Of course, of course!" The envoy replied straightforwardly, but his heart was bleeding.

The negotiation continued, and after a lot of debate, Xishui finally exchanged Xishui Chuxuan for ten cities.

When the Qin Dynasty handed over Xishui Chuxuan to the envoys, neither the envoys nor Xishui Chuxuan himself looked very good.

Ten cities are already the limit of Xishui.It was also the maximum limit set by the Emperor Xishui when the envoys came.

Xishui Chuxuan took the envoy, the captured general and five soldiers back to the Xishui camp outside the imperial city.

As soon as he returned to the camp, Xishui Chuxuan was surrounded by the generals and asked, "Your Highness, what is going on? Why were you caught by Shangguan Yuntian?"

Facing the inquiries from the generals, Xishui Chuxuan didn't know how to answer for a while, he just said: "I'm sorry everyone."

"Your Highness, the general heard that you exchanged the city for it. Is this true?"

Hearing this, Xishui Chuxie's face turned ugly.Especially when he thought that Shangguan Yuntian could easily get the ten cities, he was even more annoyed and unwilling.

Seeing that Xishui Chuxuan didn't answer, the general who was asking the question was about to say something more, when the colleague at the side gently pulled him to signal him to stop talking.

Fortunately, that person was not so stupid, he glanced at Xishui Chuxuan's face, and stopped talking.

"Everyone go back first. I'm tired, so I'll take a rest first. If there's anything else, I'll talk about it after I've rested." Xishui Chuxuan sent the generals away, and he hasn't decided what to say to everyone yet. The matter of losing ten cities.

Fortunately, Shangguan Yuntian gave them five days to evacuate, so there is no rush for now.It's not too late when he thinks it over.

Seeing that Xishui Chuxuan really looked tired, the generals left Xishui Chuxuan's big tent in a very sensible way.

However, after they got out of Xishui Chuxuan's camp, they did not disperse, but gathered together at the general's place.

"General, what should we do?" As soon as he entered the tent and sat down, a general spoke.From the mouth of the general who was captured by Shangguan Yuntian and released with His Highness the Crown Prince, they had already learned that the city that everyone had finally taken down was taken away by Dazhao.

When they thought that the city that they conquered so hard would be taken by others, the hatred in the hearts of the generals ah.

But no matter how much they hated, there was nothing they could do. Who let their prince be captured by the other party?
Therefore, what they hate the most now is Xishui Chuxuan. If he hadn't gone to the imperial city to see the situation, how could it have become like this.

It's all right now, the city they worked so hard to build is just like this to make a wedding dress for someone else.

"What should I do?" The general looked at each of his unwilling subordinates, and said earnestly: "You must not show your expressions in front of His Highness the Crown Prince, otherwise, once His Highness is angered, this general will not be able to save you." you."

"General, is that all?"

"Then what else do you want to do?" Are you refusing to give it, or are you planning to ask His Highness the Crown Prince for an explanation?

Not giving it will definitely not work, the two countries have signed an agreement, if Xi Shuiyi is tearing it up, he will definitely be accused by thousands of people.

As for seeking an explanation from His Highness the Crown Prince, that is even more impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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