The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1654 Exchange people for cities

Chapter 1654 Exchange people for cities ([-])

They are ministers, and His Royal Highness is the king.If the king wants his ministers to die, the ministers have to die, let alone a mere city.As long as the prince has a word, do they dare not give it?
"We..." The generals were speechless.That's right, they can't do whatever they want now.

"Go back, let everyone tidy up and prepare to leave the camp." The general ordered lightly, since the ten cities have been given to Dazhao, they must evacuate.

Speaking of it, he is not willing.But even if you are not reconciled, there is nothing you can do.Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, and they have to do what their superiors say.

Besides, Xishui Chuxuan, after driving away all the generals, fell on the bed.Although these days, he lives in the palace and sleeps in good beds.But I didn't sleep well at all, and I was always worried.

Now, back in his territory, back in the barracks, he can finally have a good night's sleep.

So, soon, Xishui Chuxuan fell asleep.As for the question of how to explain to the generals that I planned to think about before, I have long since left it behind.

Xishui Chuxuan was sleeping soundly, but he didn't know that Shangguan Yuntian was not at ease with him and Xishui Kingdom, and was asking Qin Chao to notify the people in the palace of hell to closely monitor the movements of the ten city defenders.

As long as the other party has any abnormality, it must be reported immediately.

It is no wonder that Shangguan Yuntian is worried about Xishui Chuxuan, it is really that the reputation of this Xishui country is not good.

After explaining to Qin Chao, Shangguan Yuntian asked Yunfei to send someone to monitor the movements of the Xishui army outside the imperial city to see if they really wanted to leave, or if they were planning to build plank roads and cross Chencang secretly.

After explaining everything and dealing with it, Shangguan Yuntian left the palace, planning to go to the yamen to find Yehuang.Now, he doesn't have to worry about Xishui for the time being, but he can relax a little bit.

When they arrived at the yamen, Yehuang was still dealing with official business.Seeing Shangguan Yuntian coming, he couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Yuntian, why are you here?"

The ministers of Donghua Kingdom were taken aback when they saw Shangguan Yuntian coming suddenly, and stood up one by one to salute him.

"I have seen His Majesty the Emperor!"

"You don't need to be too polite, just do what you have to do." After Shangguan Yuntian finished speaking, he walked up to Ye Huang and sat down.

The sudden arrival of Shangguan Yuntian put a lot of pressure on the ministers.When reporting things, they are a little stuttering.

It wasn't until seeing that Shangguan Yuntian didn't participate in the handling of political affairs, but was listening all the time, that the officials slowly relaxed and reported the matter as usual.

I don't know if it was the reason for Shangguan Yuntian's arrival, or if there was not much going on today.In a short while, the matter was dealt with.

So, all the officials left one by one, leaving Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian behind.

"Are you done?" Shangguan Yuntian asked with a smile as he watched Yehuang put away the official documents on the table.

"The urgent matters have been dealt with, and the rest can be dealt with tomorrow." Yehuang replied while cleaning up the desktop.Then he got up and walked to Shangguan Yuntian, took his hand and walked out.

After leaving the yamen, seeing that it was still early, Ye Huang suddenly said to Shangguan Yuntian: "Today we will treat it as a day off, how about going shopping?"

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and walked down the street holding hands with Yehuang.

When the people of Donghua Kingdom saw the emperor and empress walking hand in hand, they were all shocked.It was the first time for them to see such a loving couple, such an amiable empress.

(End of this chapter)

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