The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1677 Dazhao East County

Chapter 1677 Dazhao East County ([-])

Seeing her like this, Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help laughing.In fact, let alone Yehuang, even he looked at those snacks and wanted to taste them.

However, it is a bit inconvenient to pack, so I can only look at it and drool.For those that can be packed, Yehuang asked someone to pack a portion, and planned to eat it later when he was hungry.

It's Tianquan, although he has eaten.I don't know if it's because he is a child, so he digests faster, or what, but he tasted a lot of good things in the night market.

In addition to food, Yehuang also bought some handmade products, some special small objects and so on.

After shopping for most of the night, a group of people returned with a full load.

Back in the palace, the two of them went to bed directly after washing up.

Early the next morning, Ye Huang left the palace again.This time, he didn't go shopping, but made an appointment with Night Breeze and the others to have dinner together.

She went directly to the ghost gate, first checked the recent account books, then chatted with Night Breeze and the others, and had lunch with them.

After dinner, when she was about to return to the palace, she told Night Breeze and the others that she was going back to Dazhao.

When Ye Feng and the others heard that Ye Huang was going back, they felt a little bit reluctant.However, they also knew that Dazhao was Ye Huang's home, and it was also their home.

It's just that the matter on Donghua's side has not been dealt with yet, so he has to stay.Otherwise, they plan to go back to Dazhao with Ye Huang.

Time passed quickly, and ten days passed by in a flash.Shangguan Yuntian was a man who kept his word, and if he agreed to ten days, it would be ten days.

It took him ten days to finish the matter, and then he accompanied Yehuang back to Dazhao at high speed.

The two of them, who were eager to return home, were on their way along the way except for the necessary rest.A few days later, they finally returned to Dazhao.

The Empress Dowager and the Supreme Emperor had already received the news that Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang were coming back, so they sent people to wait at the gate of the city early.

When they received the news that the two had arrived and entered the city, the Supreme Emperor brought all the civil and military officials of the court to welcome him at the entrance of the palace.

This time, it can be said that they have made great achievements in going out. They took down the entire Donghua and expanded the territory of Dazhao.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Empress." Seeing the two of them, all the officials knelt down and saluted them.

"Exemption!" Shangguan Yuntian sat on the horse, glanced at the officials kneeling at his feet, and said lightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The ministers stood up, then stepped aside, allowing Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang to enter the palace.

At this time, the Supreme Emperor who had been standing behind the minister came out, looked at Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, and said: "Yuntian, Huang'er, you have worked hard!"

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the Supreme Emperor indifferently, but did not speak.Yehuang, on the other hand, smiled at the Supreme Emperor and said, "Thank you, Father!"

"Go back, Tuanyuanyuan misses you all." The Taishang Emperor didn't care about Shangguan Yuntian's indifference, and greeted the two of them to go back to the palace.

The two returned to the palace, took a bath first, changed their clothes, and then went to Ci'an Palace to see the Empress Dowager and the reunion together.

In Ci'an Palace, the Empress Dowager was accompanying the two treasures while waiting for Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.

While playing, the eunuch who was dispatched trotted in and reported: "The empress dowager, the empress dowager, the emperor and empress are back."

"Are you back? Where are they?" The Empress Dowager asked excitedly with joy on her face when she heard the words.

"The emperor and empress have already returned to the palace, and are heading towards Ci'an Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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