The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1678 Dazhao East County

Chapter 1678 Dazhao East County ([-])

When the Empress Dowager heard that the two had come to Ci'an Palace, she was even more happy, and said to Aunt Ju who was at the side: "Aju, hurry up, help me up, I will go to meet them."

However, before the Empress Dowager could stand up, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang had strode into Ci'an Palace.The two came to the Empress Dowager, knelt down and bowed to her.

"The grandson (granddaughter-in-law) has met the imperial grandmother."

"Good boy, get up!" The Empress Dowager looked excited and reached out to help them.

The two stood up, and said to the Empress Dowager, "Grandmother, we are back."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

The Empress Dowager smiled, then reached out and patted the hands of the two of them, pointed at Tuan Yuan Yuan beside her and said, "Go, Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan are there, talk to them. They miss you .”

The two turned around and saw Tuan Yuanyuan sitting on the chair, their hearts softened in a mess.

"Tuantuan, Yuanyuan!" Ye Huang called out to the two of them, then hugged them into her arms.

Although they hadn't seen Ye Huang for several months, they were not unfamiliar at all, and looked at her with a smile.

"Mother!" Tuantuan was the first to speak, and called out to Yehuang, which made her stunned as if her acupoints had been tapped.

"Mother!" When she was in a daze, she called again.It was obvious that Yuanyuan yelled mother.

"You, you..." Yehuang looked at them, speechless with excitement.

"Come on, give them to me." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang's dazed look, and said.In fact, he was afraid that Ye Huang would be tired, so he wanted to take Tuan Yuanyuan over.In the past two or three months, the two of them seem to have grown up a lot.

"I'll hug for a while." Yehuang was reluctant to give the two of them to Shangguan Yuntian, and she wanted to hug for a while.Although the two treasures weighed a lot, holding them made her feel extremely satisfied and happy.

Shangguan Yuntian smiled and stood aside looking at the two treasures.

Although Tuantuan and Yuanyuan were hugged by Yehuang, their eyes fell on Shangguan Yuntian.They looked at Shangguan Yuntian for a while, then stretched out their hands towards him.

Seeing that the two treasures wanted to be hugged by Shangguan Yuntian, Yehuang couldn't help feeling jealous, and said, "Little heartless, can't mother hug her?"

Tuan Tuan glanced at Ye Huang and spit out two words: "Heavy, tired!"

Although it was only two words, Yehuang understood the meaning of his words, her heart felt warm, her eyes became hot, and she almost shed tears.Lowering her head, she kissed Tuantuan hard on the face.

Being kissed suddenly, Tuantuan's little face turned red instantly, Ye Huang was taken aback by seeing it, and then burst into laughter: "Tuantuan actually blushed?"

After she said this, Tuantuan's face turned even redder, and then she turned her head away from looking at Yehuang, but at Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "Daddy, hug!"

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian responded with a smile, and then reached out to take Tuantuan over.

Yuanyuan looked at Shangguan Yuntian hugging Tuantuan, and also scrambled for a hug.

So, Shangguan Yuntian hugged the two of them one by one.

Yehuang stretched out her hand this time, and let Shangguan Yuntian hold them, while she stood aside and watched with love and tenderness in her eyes.

"Yuntian, Huang'er, you just came back, take them back to your palace, I won't entertain you anymore." The Empress Dowager looked at the reunion of the family of four with joy on her face, and she was a little tired, so she I don't want to keep them.

"Yes, Grandmother, my grandson will leave!"

"Huang'er resigns!"

(End of this chapter)

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