The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1679 Dazhao East County

Chapter 1679 Dazhao East County ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang left Ci'an Palace with their reunion, but the Empress Dowager did not go to rest immediately, but told Aunt Ju, "Aju, this Yuntian and Huang'er seem to have lost a lot of weight. , tell the kitchen to let them cook more good food and give them a good supplement."

"Yes!" Aunt Ju replied with a smile, and then asked the Empress Dowager, "You are tired, do you want to go and have a rest first?"

"Alright!" The Empress Dowager nodded. After all, she was old and her physical strength and energy were much weaker.She was so excited to see Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang just now, but now she is really tired.

"Then I'll help you to rest." Aunt Ju said while helping the Empress Dowager into the room to rest.

After waiting for the Empress Dowager to lie down, Aunt Ju told another nun to watch over her, while she went to the kitchen to give the Empress Dowager orders.

Besides, after Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang returned to Fengqi Palace with Tuanyuan in their arms, the family of four sat on the bed and started playing.

After a few days of driving, the two of them were exhausted, but now they played with the two treasures, they were full of energy, and they didn't look tired at all.

The family of four played for a long time, until Tuanyuanyuan was tired from playing and fell asleep, and Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang lay down to rest together.

The two treasures slept in the middle, and Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang protected them on the left and right.Shangguan Yuntian, who was used to sleeping with Ye Huang in his arms, felt uncomfortable looking at the two light bulbs in the middle.

He stretched out his hand and held Yehuang's jade hand in it, and then slowly fell asleep.

The two of them were indeed tired, and they slept relatively deeply this time, but it was Tuanyuanyuan who woke them up.It turned out that when Tuanyuan woke up, she found Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang lying beside them, and she couldn't help being happy.

One of them lay on Shangguan Yuntian's body and the other on Yehuang's body, and then secretly kissed their faces.

After one sip, the two of them drool all over their faces.

In fact, as soon as the babies got up, both of them woke up. They just wanted to see what they were going to do, so they didn't open their eyes.

Unexpectedly, the two treasures secretly kissed them.

Yehuang slowly opened her eyes, seeing the Tuantuan lying on her body, she couldn't help being taken aback, and then laughed out loud.

Seeing Tuantuan shy before, she thought that it would be Yuanyuan who would do such a thing, but she didn't expect it to be Tuantuan.

Tuantuan obviously didn't expect his mother to wake up suddenly, so when Yehuang opened his eyes, he was still in a daze.

After reacting, his face turned red in an instant, and he quickly got off Ye Huang's body.

However, Yehuang was not willing to let him go, but grabbed him directly, and then hugged his little face and kissed him.

Tuantuan was kissed by Ye Huang until her whole face turned red, as attractive as that apple.

Compared to Tuantuan's shyness, Yuanyuan has thick skin.It wasn't enough that she kissed Shangguan Yuntian's face on one side, she also kissed the other side a few times.

Even if Shangguan Yuntian opened her eyes, she was not shy, but opened a pair of big watery eyes, looked at him, and called out in a childish voice: "Daddy!"

Hearing his daughter calling him, Shangguan Yuntian's heart surged with ecstasy.He turned his head to look at Yehuang, and said with a proud face: "Huang'er, did you hear that? Yuanyuan just called my daddy. She called me."

"heard it!"

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's appearance, Yehuang laughed a little.Sure enough, no matter how mature and stable a man is, he will also have a childish side.

 Four shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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