The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1680 Dazhao East County

Chapter 1680 Dazhao East County ([-])

"Yuanyuan is awesome, she can call you daddy!" Shangguan Yuntian was so happy that he lifted Yuanyuan up with both hands.

"Hahaha..." Yuanyuan laughed cheerfully in the room.She was smiling and waving her little hands, making everyone envious.

Tuantuan is the elder brother, although he is usually more stable, but the children are not playful.Seeing his younger sister being hugged and held high by his father, he also thought about it.

Shangguan Yuntian saw the longing in Tuantuan's eyes, held it up for a while, put Yuanyuan down, then waved to Tuantuan, and said, "Tuantuan, come here!"

Tuantuan glanced at Shangguan Yuntian, then at Yehuang, who smiled and nodded at Yehuang, then climbed off her body and walked towards Shangguan Yuntian's side.

Before Tuantuan climbed up, Shangguan Yuntian stretched out his hand, picked him up, and lifted him high.

Tuantuan was lifted up, his whole body was surrounded by excitement, he also laughed, although he didn't laugh like Yuanyuan, but he still laughed heartily.

Seeing her brother robbing her father, Yuanyuan crawled to Yehuang's side, and then softly shouted: "Mother!"

Hearing Yuanyuan calling herself, Yehuang's heart was so soft that it would melt into water.She reached out and hugged Yuanyuan into her arms, then kissed her little face.

After being kissed by Yehuang several times in a row, Yuanyuan reached out to wipe the drool on her face, then turned her head to look at Tuantuan and Shangguan Yuntian, and said a word in a childish voice: "High!"

Yuanyuan couldn't speak clearly, but Ye Huang could tell from her gaze that she wanted to be lifted up again, to be lifted up.

So she lifted Yuanyuan up.Yuanyuan was so happy that she kept saying, "Tall, tall, tall!"

After listening for a long time, Yehuang finally understood that she wanted to lift her up higher by herself.Because Tuantuan was lifted higher than her.

After understanding what Yuanyuan meant, Yehuang was speechless.Her hands were not as long as Shangguan Yuntian's, so how could she lift them higher than him?
However, when the girl spoke, Yehuang still lifted her up a bit.She couldn't lie down, so she sat up.

After playing like this for a while, Yehuang's hands were sore, so she stopped.The two treasures have almost finished playing, and they didn't let the two of them lift up, but started playing on the bed.

After playing for a while, the family went to eat.

After dinner, Shangguan Yuntian was called away by the Supreme Emperor.Although Shangguan Yuntian just came back, the Taishanghuang planned to quit.Now, the emperor is Shangguan Yuntian, since he is back, the Supreme Emperor also wants to take a rest and tease his grandchildren.

Shangguan Yuntian had no objection to the matter that the Supreme Emperor wanted to return the power to him.Since he is the emperor, he will naturally take on this responsibility.

The Supreme Emperor handed over the matter and left.Shangguan Yuntian began to deal with political affairs.

The first thing he did was to issue a decree to enshrine Donghua Kingdom as Dazhao East Commandery.From then on, there is no Donghua Kingdom in the world anymore, only Dongjun of Jokhang.

From then on, Donghua Kingdom officially became a part of Dazhao.

At the same time, he also issued an order to formally seal the official positions of those ministers who remained in Donghua Kingdom.In this way, they can be regarded as well-known officials.

After the imperial decree was issued, Shangguan Yuntian ordered several ministers to be brought in.He planned to send some people from the court to Dongjun to be Sima Feng's assistants, which was also a kind of supervision over the original Donghua country officials.

The ministers arrived soon, and Shangguan Yuntian discussed with them, and all the ministries proposed candidates.

 Thanks to @Sunshine for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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