The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1683 West Water Unwilling

Chapter 1683 West Water Unwilling ([-])

"Go away, it's not your turn to take care of the affairs of the palace." Xishui Chuxuan also yelled at the guard, and then kicked the soldier who dropped his bow and arrow.

Afterwards, he snatched another soldier's bow and arrow, and aimed at Yunfei.Xishui Chuxuan knew a little about archery, but it was a bit difficult to hit Yunfei under the city.

His arrow went out, but it fell only halfway through.Not to mention the person who shot Yunfei, I didn't even see his face.

Seeing Xishui Chuxuan's arrow shot like this, Dazhao's soldiers couldn't help but burst out laughing.Being laughed at by them made the defenders on the tower feel ashamed.

They looked at Xishui Chuxuan cautiously one by one, although they didn't say anything, they despised him in their hearts.

Xishui Chuxuan failed to shoot Yunfei, but was ridiculed by Dazhao's army. He was so ashamed that he went down the tower in desperation and left.

Watching Xishui Chuxuan go down the tower, Yunfei felt a little regretful.If Xishui Chuxuan dared to stand for a while longer, he would give the other party a taste of being hit by an arrow.

"Siege!" Yun Fei took his eyes back from the tower, and then gave an order to the army behind him.

As soon as the military order came out, the army rushed towards the city gate and city wall like a tide.Someone attacked the city, someone climbed the wall.

Seeing that Jokha's army was attacking the city, the defenders immediately set up their bows and shot arrows, trying to stop the Jokha's army.However, they shoot arrows, so does Jokhang.Moreover, there were many more archers in Dazhao than in Xishui, so soon the archers on the city wall fell down one by one.

Of course, there were quite a few soldiers in Dazhao who were shot down by arrows, but compared to Xishui, it was much less.

Dazhao's soldiers were extremely brave, and they broke through the gate of the city within a short time.As soon as the city gate was broken, the army rushed into the city and killed the defenders of Gexishui.

At this time, Xishui Chuxuan fled away again with his entourage.He couldn't stay here anymore.He was going back to the capital to discuss the next countermeasures with Emperor Xishui.

Xishui Chuxuan knew that once Dazhao's army broke through the border, they would never stop. They would continue fighting until they captured the entire Xishui Kingdom.

This was something he hadn't expected at the beginning.If he had known that this would be the result, he would never have dared to provoke Dazhao's army and harass the border of Dongjun.

The fighting spirit of the Xishui garrison was not high in the first place, and when Xishui Chuxuan ran away, they became more slack and timid.

Therefore, without much effort, Jokha's army wiped out the defenders of Xishui and took down the border of Xishui.

As soon as the border was captured, Yunfei let the army take a brief rest before heading towards the next city.He has never believed in accepting whatever is good. He has only one principle for those who are not good-looking and want to die, and that is to beat, hard, until the other party hurts, and if they are scared, what? It's all easy to say.

Now, they have only captured the border of Xishui. Obviously, Xishui is not in pain yet, when it is time to be afraid.Therefore, he had to move on, to make Xi Shui feel scared when he saw Dazhao's army, and beg for mercy.

The news of Dazhao's attack on Xishui Border Pass also reached the ears of Xishuihuang.He looked at the [-]-mile urgent letter sent by the border, and his face became ugly.

After Xishuihuang read the letter, he immediately shouted to the eunuch on duty: "Come here, pass on my will, and summon all the ministers to enter the palace for discussion."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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